


Most sociologists agree that extreme positive behavior such as a religious fanaticism or social reform is not really "deviant."

On Aug 04, 2024



Before the twentieth century,criminals were thought to

A) have certain familial characteristics that noncriminals did not.
B) be feebleminded,psychotic,neurotic,psychopathic,or otherwise mentally disturbed.
C) have the same mental and physical characteristics as noncriminals.
D) be the result of different social factors.

On Aug 01, 2024



Which of the following trends weakened unions in the 1970s and 1980s by limiting the organizational resources of industrial workers?

A) American firms hired anti-union consultants
B) employers began to contest union elections
C) outright intimidation sometimes prevented workers from unionizing
D) all of these choices
E) none of these choices

On Jul 05, 2024



Explain what factors determine a nation's risk of war.

On Jul 01, 2024

There are several factors that can determine a nation's risk of war. These include political instability, historical conflicts, economic disparities, and ethnic or religious tensions.

Political instability can create a power vacuum that may lead to conflict as different factions vie for control. Historical conflicts between nations or ethnic groups can also contribute to a higher risk of war, as unresolved grievances and animosities can easily reignite.

Economic factors such as poverty, inequality, and resource scarcity can also increase the likelihood of conflict, as competition for limited resources can lead to tensions and aggression. Additionally, ethnic or religious tensions within a nation can create divisions and fuel conflict, especially if these groups feel marginalized or oppressed.

External factors such as alliances, geopolitical interests, and international disputes can also play a role in determining a nation's risk of war. For example, a nation's alignment with powerful allies or its involvement in regional conflicts can increase its vulnerability to war.

Overall, a combination of political, historical, economic, and social factors can contribute to a nation's risk of war, and understanding these dynamics is crucial for preventing and resolving conflicts.


Durkheim's emphasis on rituals and shared meanings fits with which type of sociological theory?

A) Conflict theory and functionalism
B) Functionalism and symbolic interactionism
C) Symbolic interactionism and conflict theory
D) Exchange theory and functionalism

On Jun 04, 2024



Income inequality has been declining in the United States for the past quarter of a century.

On Jun 01, 2024



Parents in high-SES families are more likely to limit television viewing than other parents.

On May 05, 2024



Which of the following statements about low-income families is true?

A) Many have at least one full-time,year-round worker.
B) Most of the adults in these families do not have a strong work ethic.
C) The majority of these families are solely supported by government welfare.
D) Many have health and other benefits that make up for their low incomes.

On May 02, 2024