


Improving operations execution can

A) improve speed and profits.
B) reduce speed and increase costs.
C) cause worker dissatisfaction.
D) create employee-employee conflict.
E) create employee-manager conflict.

On Jul 05, 2024



Stauffer Corporation has provided the following contribution format income statement.All questions concern situations that are within the relevant range. Stauffer Corporation has provided the following contribution format income statement.All questions concern situations that are within the relevant range.   The variable expense ratio is closest to: A) 60% B) 40% C) 67% D) 33% The variable expense ratio is closest to:

A) 60%
B) 40%
C) 67%
D) 33%

On Jul 02, 2024



In assessing conflict management styles, ___ refers to the desire to satisfy another party's needs and concerns.

A) assertiveness
B) best alternative to a negotiated agreement
C) cooperativeness
D) alternative dispute resolution
E) intensity of conflict

On Jun 05, 2024



Explain Schambra's "empire of empiricism" and take a position agreeing or disagreeing with Schambra's argument. Explain your position.

On Jun 02, 2024

Schambra's "empire of empiricism" refers to the dominance of empirical evidence and data in shaping public policy and decision-making. He argues that this emphasis on empiricism has led to a narrowing of the public discourse and a dismissal of other forms of knowledge and wisdom, such as tradition, intuition, and moral reasoning. Schambra believes that this has resulted in a loss of moral and ethical considerations in public policy, as well as a lack of appreciation for the complexity and nuance of social issues.

I agree with Schambra's argument to some extent. While empirical evidence is crucial for informing policy decisions, it should not be the sole basis for decision-making. Other forms of knowledge and wisdom, such as moral reasoning and tradition, can provide valuable insights and perspectives that may be overlooked in a purely empirical approach. Additionally, the overreliance on empirical evidence can lead to a reductionist view of complex social issues, ignoring the human and moral dimensions of these problems.

However, I also believe that empirical evidence is essential for understanding the impact of policies and interventions. It provides a necessary foundation for evaluating the effectiveness of different approaches and for making informed decisions. Therefore, while I agree with Schambra's critique of the "empire of empiricism," I also recognize the importance of empirical evidence in shaping public policy.

In conclusion, I agree with Schambra's argument that the dominance of empiricism has limitations and can lead to a narrow view of social issues. However, I also acknowledge the value of empirical evidence in informing policy decisions and believe that a balanced approach that incorporates multiple forms of knowledge is necessary for effective and ethical governance.


Which of the following statements concerning group cohesiveness is FALSE?

A) Smaller groups generally have a more difficult time becoming and staying cohesive.
B) Groups that are tough to get into should be more attractive than those that are easy to join.
C) A group becomes more attractive to its members when it has successfully accomplished some important goal.
D) Under extreme threat or loss of a contest, group cohesiveness is likely to suffer.
E) Voluntary turnover from highly cohesive groups should be low.

On May 05, 2024



The classification system used to classify firms into industries is now called the ________ code.

C) ISO 57

On May 02, 2024