


Helga was charged in 2003 with the theft of confidential information in Vancouver. The only case at the time that was relevant was one in which the Ontario Court of Appeal said that the defendant, in a situation identical to Helga's, was guilty of theft.
a. Discuss how the theory of precedent applies here
b. If the defendant in the Ontario case appealed and, in the summer of 2004, before Helga's case had come to trial, the Supreme Court of Canada reversed the Ontario Court of Appeal's decision, would this change your answer to the previous question? Why or why not?

On May 05, 2024

a. Where the facts are the same, a judge must apply previous decisions of similar cases, provided the decisions are from his own court, a court of equal rank, or a higher court within the same province, or from the Supreme Court of Canada.
Here, the only case is from a higher court but of a different province so, while it is highly persuasive, it is not a precedent that must be followed.
b. Now that there is a Supreme Court of Canada case, it is precedent throughout Canada. Therefore it must be followed in Helga's case.


According to Change Competency: Michael Ward's Reflections on CSX's One Plan Redesign,what did Michael do upon becoming CEO:

A) wrote a personal mission statement
B) gave raises to all employees who had been with the company for more than 15 years
C) outlined core values for the company
D) rehired recently laid off employees

On May 02, 2024