


If a mother seems excessively involved in her child's life such that the two do not seem to be independent people, their relationship is said to be:

A) externalized.
B) cultural.
C) enmeshed.
D) disengaged.

On Jul 05, 2024



A rat is placed in a maze for an hour a day for 10 consecutive days. It is allowed to explore the corridors of the maze. On the eleventh day, food is placed in the goal box. The animal learns immediately, and without errors, to run to the goal box for food. What type of learning is illustrated here?

A) generalization
B) latent learning
C) intrinsic learning
D) insightful behavior

On Jul 02, 2024



Kohlberg has discussed the concept of moral reasoning in his research.Using Kohlberg as your reference,list the effects of gender and cultural context as they relate to the development of a young adult's moral development.

On Jun 05, 2024

Kohlberg's research on moral reasoning has shown that gender and cultural context can have significant effects on the development of a young adult's moral development.

In terms of gender, Kohlberg found that there are differences in the way males and females approach moral reasoning. He suggested that males tend to focus more on justice and rights, while females tend to prioritize caring and relationships. This can lead to differences in the way young adults develop their moral reasoning, with males potentially being more focused on principles and rules, and females being more focused on empathy and compassion.

Cultural context also plays a crucial role in shaping young adults' moral development. Different cultures have varying values, norms, and beliefs, which can influence how individuals perceive and approach moral dilemmas. For example, collectivist cultures may prioritize the needs of the group over individual rights, leading to a different moral reasoning approach compared to individualistic cultures.

Overall, Kohlberg's research suggests that gender and cultural context can impact the development of moral reasoning in young adults, highlighting the importance of considering these factors in understanding and promoting moral development.


Ashley is 9 years old,and it seems that every day she brings home a different friend from school.As she expands her social contacts beyond her immediate family,which of Freud's stages fits Ashley's behaviour

A)  genital 
B)  phallic 
C)  preconscious 
D)  latency

On Jun 02, 2024



What do people typically experience if they use behavioural disengagement as a coping strategy

A)  catastrophic thinking and self-blame 
B)  release of negative emotional tension 
C)  increased, rather than decreased, distress 
D)  overcompensation or intellectualization

On May 06, 2024



We would expect a newlywed couple to have high levels of which hormone?

A) norepinephrine
B) serotonin
C) cortisol
D) oxytocin

On May 03, 2024