


All of the following contributed to the downfall of Marcus Garvey EXCEPT

A) his failure to attract support from the black working class.
B) the hostility of most black leaders.
C) the failure of his proposed steamship line and his subsequent conviction for fraud.
D) his willingness to pursue common cause with the Ku Klux Klan.

On Jul 09, 2024



The War Industries Board was created __________________________.

A) to serve as a clearing-house to coordinate the national economy during wartime
B) to act as an employment agency to direct workers into war-related industries
C) to oversee American corporations to make sure they did not violate antitrust laws
D) to oversee and coordinate the work of corporations and universities engaged in weapons research and development

On Jul 02, 2024



On what count were those who refused to cooperate with HUAC hearings sentenced to federal prison?

A) treason
B) conspiracy
C) contempt of Congress
D) resisting authorities

On Jun 05, 2024



As a result of the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act, _________________.

A) Northern states threatened to hold special state conventions for the purpose of declaring the act unconstitutional and thus null and void.
B) a coalition of Northern Democrats withdrew from the Democratic party and formed the American Party.
C) the Whig Party separated into Northern and Southern wings and was no longer able to operate as a national party.
D) Southerners became more convinced than ever that Congress had become the puppet of antislavery advocates.

On Jun 02, 2024



On what grounds did Justice David J. Brewer dissent from the majority opinion in the case of Fong Yue Ting (1893) , which authorized the federal government to expel Chinese aliens without due process of law?

A) He argued that the Chinese were mostly decent and honorable and worthy of Americans' respect.
B) Brewer worried that a similar rationale could be used in the future to subvert the rights to due process of other people.
C) He explained that Chinese immigrants should be expelled on grounds of the Naturalization Act, not the Fourteenth Amendment.
D) He reasoned that the Constitution of the United States had never applied to any group of immigrants.
E) He argued that the United States would suffer serious disadvantages in foreign trade and diplomacy under this precedent.

On May 06, 2024



The American Colonization Society,whose leadership and membership included several prominent slaveholders,played an instrumental role in creating what African colony?

A) Sierra Leone
B) Cameroon
C) South Africa
D) Liberia

On May 03, 2024