


Which of the following is TRUE regarding REM sleep and memory?

A) increasing the amount of REM sleep causes improved memory
B) decreasing the amount of REM sleep causes improved memory
C) research has clearly established that REM sleep has nothing to do with memory
D) the role of REM sleep in memory is still uncertain

On Jul 08, 2024



Piaget's stages of cognitive development include the sensorimotor,preoperational,concrete operational,and _____ operational stages.

On Jul 05, 2024



Define sexism,and differentiate between hostile sexism,benevolent sexism,and ambivalent sexism.

On Jun 07, 2024

Sexism refers to any bias against an individual or a group of individuals based on the individual's or group member's sex.That bias does not necessarily have to be expressed in the form of negative attitudes or behaviors.Negative expressions or behaviors that reflect negative attitudes toward women are referred to specifically as hostile sexism.Some forms of sexism,however,involve the attribution of typically positive traits or qualities.This is referred to as benevolent sexism.Although this might seem to be a contradiction in terms,the problem (according to Glick and Fiske)is that the attributions associated with benevolent sexism,even though they sound positive,are derived from stereotypes that see women in limited ways and often stem from a male­centered perspective.According to Glick and Fiske,not only can people hold both hostile and benevolent sexist attitudes,but also,these attitudes and beliefs can be held simultaneously.They named this ambivalent sexism.


Develop an essay that outlines your own social development sociologically and with regard to the major agents of socialization discussed in the text.

On Jun 05, 2024

Essays will vary,but students are required to provide a comprehensive overview of the major agents of socialization outlined in the chapter (family,peer group,education,and mass media),as well as some discussion of how those agents have influenced their own lives.


Before brain surgery, Elliott was a good father and held a responsible job. After removal of portions of his frontal lobe, what prediction about Elliott's personality is likely to come true?

A) He will experience visual hallucinations.
B) He will experience auditory hallucinations.
C) His emotional reactions and decision-making abilities will be impaired.
D) He will be even more driven and focused on his work.

On May 07, 2024



When interacting with friends,people from collectivist cultures:

A) cooperate more than people from individualistic cultures.
B) cooperate less than people from individualistic cultures.
C) cooperate about the same as people from individualistic cultures.
D) do not cooperate at all.

On May 06, 2024



With formal thought,adolescents are able to

A) social-perspective take.
B) define and discuss love, justice, and freedom.
C) speak a different language with adults and peers.
D) All of these

On May 04, 2024



Which of the following is true about the frustration-aggression hypothesis?

A) Frustration is one cause of aggression.
B) Frustrated people act more aggressively than nonfrustrated people.
C) Aggressive responses are more likely when a frustrated person is close to their goal.
D) All of these options are true

On May 03, 2024