


Which of the following is true about the attitudes of cultures toward various factors of human relationships?

A) In the United States, people are polychronic and view time in a more relaxed way.
B) In the United States, people hold the view that important people should be late to show that they are busy.
C) In business negotiations, people from the United States move at a deliberately slow pace, engaging in casual talk before getting to the main issue.
D) North Americans view space as belonging to all; thus, they jostle for space when boarding trains, standing at ticket counters, or shopping.
E) Americans work hard to neutralize body odors or to cover them up and view body odor as unsanitary.

On Aug 02, 2024



Discuss at least three of the key components of the authentic leadership model and provide an example of how a leader can accomplish each component.

On Aug 01, 2024

The five components of the authentic leadership model are (1)stimulates follower identification; (2)creates hope; (3)reflects trust; (4)shows positive emotions; (5)raises optimism.
Stimulates follower identification: Authentic leaders influence followers' attitudes and behaviors,which,in turn,positively affects their self-esteem.These leaders are able to determine their followers' strengths and develop them.Authentic leaders help followers link their strengths to a common purpose or mission.This is accomplished through leading by example and setting high moral standards of honesty and integrity.
Creates Hope: Authentic leaders create positive motivations for followers by fostering goal setting and helping them identify how to achieve their goals.Authentic leaders are able to enhance followers' sense of hopefulness by (1)showing high levels of commitment,sharing,and openness; (2)communicating important information needed for them to reach the goals;and (3)encouraging questioning and open discussions.
Reflects Trust: Based on reviews of their attributes,authentic leaders are more likely to be trusted by followers and others.They build trust by (1)encouraging open two-way communications, (2)sharing critical information-the bad and the good,and (3)revealing their perceptions and feelings about the people with whom they work-the good and the bad in a constructive way.
Shows Positive Emotions: The positive emotions of authentic leaders broaden followers' thoughts on how to achieve goals and solve problems,discover novel ways for doing things,and foster creative thinking.They are more likely to stimulate positive feelings among followers and a sense of identification with the purposes being championed.
Raises Optimism: Authentic leaders tend to be optimists and stimulate a sense of optimism among followers.Optimists persevere in the face of obstacles or difficulties,assess personal failures and setbacks as temporary,and exhibit high levels of work motivation,performance,and job satisfaction.Optimism includes the assumption that individuals can do something to change situations for the better.Pessimism includes the assumption that probably nothing individuals do will make much of a difference.Optimists want to take action,which increases the likelihood that goals will be set,pursued,and achieved.


XYZ Corporation wants to track the percentage and actual number of employees who remain in each of the firm's job from one year to the next. Which of the following would XYZ Corporation benefit from?

A) a replacement chart
B) a skills inventory
C) a Markov analysis
D) a succession plan

On Jul 03, 2024



An avoidable cost is a cost that can be eliminated (in whole or in part)as a result of choosing one alternative over another.

On Jul 02, 2024



Which of the following is not one of the four major forms of business entities that are discussed in this chapter?

A) sole proprietorship
B) corporation
C) partnership
D) subchapter S corporation

On Jun 03, 2024



How much cash did Kris collect from customers during Year 2? Assume all sales are on credit.

A) $150,000
B) $750,000
C) $850,000
D) $900,000

On Jun 02, 2024



Which of the following is true regarding the offer of the reward?

A) It pertained to a bilateral contract that could be accepted only with consideration consisting of a promise.
B) It pertained to a bilateral contract that could be accepted only with consideration consisting of performance.
C) It pertained to a bilateral contract that could be accepted with consideration consisting of a promise or performance.
D) It pertained to a unilateral contract that could be accepted with consideration consisting of a promise.
E) It pertained to a unilateral contract that could be accepted with consideration consisting of performance.

On May 04, 2024



The long-run average cost curve will be upward-sloping when the firm has:

A) economies of scale.
B) diseconomies of scale.
C) constant returns to scale.
D) diminishing returns.

On May 03, 2024