


In the Supreme Court cause of Prigg v.Pennsylvania (1842) ,the U.S.Supreme Court decided that

A) federal officials had a responsibility to return fugitive slaves but local state officials did not.
B) both federal and local state officials had an equal responsibility to return fugitive slaves.
C) although the Constitution allowed slaveholders to reclaim fugitive slaves,it did not require local state or federal officials to assist them in the process.
D) fugitive slaves could not be reclaimed from states which refused to recognize the legality of slavery.

On Jul 27, 2024



Second Middle Passage

On Jul 23, 2024

The Second Middle Passage refers to the forced migration of African slaves from the Upper South to the Deep South of the United States between 1808 and 1860. This period marked a significant increase in the domestic slave trade as the demand for labor in the cotton and sugar plantations of the Deep South grew. The Second Middle Passage had a profound impact on the African American population, as families were separated, and individuals were subjected to harsh and inhumane conditions during the long and arduous journey. This forced migration also contributed to the growth of the slave population in the Deep South and the expansion of the plantation economy. The Second Middle Passage is a tragic and dark chapter in American history, highlighting the brutal and dehumanizing nature of the transatlantic slave trade and its lasting impact on African American communities.


Discuss the ideas on which the Second New Deal was based, and examine and assess the effectiveness of at least three programs or agencies created to implement those ideas.

On Jul 20, 2024

The Second New Deal was based on the idea of providing further relief and recovery for the American people during the Great Depression. It aimed to address the ongoing economic challenges and social inequalities that were not fully resolved by the initial New Deal programs. The Second New Deal focused on implementing more comprehensive and long-term solutions to stimulate the economy and improve the lives of ordinary citizens.

One of the key ideas of the Second New Deal was to create more extensive government intervention in the economy to regulate and stabilize it. This included the implementation of social welfare programs and the strengthening of labor rights. Additionally, the Second New Deal aimed to address the issue of agricultural overproduction and low farm incomes, as well as to provide more support for the unemployed and elderly.

Three programs or agencies created to implement these ideas and assess their effectiveness are the Works Progress Administration (WPA), the Social Security Act, and the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB).

The WPA was a major program under the Second New Deal that aimed to provide employment opportunities for millions of Americans through the construction of public infrastructure and the funding of arts and cultural projects. The WPA was effective in creating jobs and stimulating economic activity, as well as leaving a lasting legacy of public works across the country.

The Social Security Act established a system of old-age pensions, unemployment insurance, and aid to dependent children and the disabled. This program provided a crucial safety net for vulnerable populations and has been instrumental in reducing poverty among the elderly and disabled.

The National Labor Relations Board was created to protect the rights of workers to organize and bargain collectively with their employers. The NLRB has been effective in preventing unfair labor practices and ensuring that workers have a voice in their workplaces.

Overall, the Second New Deal and its programs and agencies were effective in providing relief and support to millions of Americans during the Great Depression. These initiatives laid the groundwork for a more equitable and secure society, and many of their provisions continue to benefit the American people today.


In his campaign against the Navajos, Kit Carson _____________________.

A) adopted a conciliatory approach that resulted in a Navajo alliance with the Union
B) met with such determined resistance that he withdrew Union troops from the New Mexico Territory
C) was victorious largely as the result of an alliance he forged with the Mescalero Apaches
D) adopted a scorched earth policy

On Jun 21, 2024



Which of the following is true of members of the Liberty Party?

A) They believed that the federal government should establish a reservation for African Americans in the Western territories.
B) They advocated a federal resettlement program to aid newly freed slaves.
C) They believed that Southern slaveowners should be compensated for their loss of property when they freed their slaves.
D) They believed that it was up to the states to abolish slavery.

On Jun 17, 2024



Which of the following is true of the labor movement during the 1840s?

A) It was made up primarily of socialists and anarchists.
B) It was successful in getting pension plans for many workers.
C) Its major achievement came when the courts relieved workers from the threat of conspiracy laws being used against them if they organized or engaged in strikes.
D) It demonstrated the unity present among workers.

On Jun 13, 2024



In his Cherokee Nation v. Georgia opinion, Chief Justice John Marshall stated that

A) Georgia had to respect Indian title to their lands.
B) Indians were wards of the federal government.
C) the Cherokee had to move to the Indian Territory.
D) President Jackson had full authority over Indian affairs.
E) Indians were U.S. citizens, with all attendant rights and responsibilities.

On May 20, 2024



The West experienced tremendous growth after the Civil War; nowhere was this more apparent than in California. Write an on the consequences of population growth on the western landscape, looking at farming, livelihoods, the impact of the railroad, the growth of Indian reservations, and the subjugation of Indian peoples.

On May 17, 2024

The consequences of population growth on the western landscape after the Civil War were significant and far-reaching.

Firstly, the increase in population led to a surge in farming and agricultural activity in the West. The fertile land and favorable climate in California attracted many settlers, leading to the expansion of farming and the cultivation of crops such as wheat, citrus fruits, and grapes. This agricultural boom transformed the landscape, as vast areas of land were cleared for farming, leading to deforestation and the depletion of natural resources.

The population growth also had a profound impact on livelihoods in the West. The influx of people seeking new opportunities and a better life led to increased competition for resources and jobs. This often resulted in the exploitation of labor, as workers, including many immigrants, were subjected to harsh working conditions and low wages in industries such as mining, logging, and agriculture.

The construction of the transcontinental railroad further accelerated the growth of the West, facilitating the movement of people and goods across the region. While the railroad brought economic development and prosperity to many communities, it also had negative consequences for the environment, as it led to the destruction of natural habitats and the disruption of wildlife migration patterns.

The population growth also had a detrimental impact on Native American communities in the West. As settlers encroached on their traditional lands, many Native American tribes were forced onto reservations, often in arid and inhospitable areas. This displacement and confinement led to the loss of their traditional ways of life and the erosion of their cultural and spiritual practices.

Furthermore, the subjugation of Native American peoples by the U.S. government and the military during this period resulted in widespread violence, displacement, and the loss of sovereignty for many tribes. This legacy of colonization and oppression continues to have lasting effects on Native American communities in the West today.

In conclusion, the consequences of population growth on the western landscape after the Civil War were complex and multifaceted. While it brought economic development and prosperity to the region, it also had significant negative impacts on the environment, livelihoods, and the indigenous peoples of the West. These consequences continue to shape the social, economic, and environmental dynamics of the region today.


Before the United States declared its intent to colonize the Philippines, Emilio Aguinaldo had

A) aided U.S. troops with their invasion of the islands.
B) been a bureaucrat in the Spanish regime.
C) studied in Paris and was supposed to take over the family business.
D) worked with Japanese occupational forces.

On May 13, 2024



What view on the goals of education did John Dewey espouse?

A) Secondary schools should concentrate on preparing students for college.
B) Public schools should be funded by the national government.
C) Learning should involve real-life problems through which children learn to use their intelligence and ingenuity to control their environment.
D) The main task of education is to teach moral principles.

On May 10, 2024