


Sound vibrations are translated into patterns of nerve impulses in the ____.

A) pinna
B) ear canal
C) middle ear
D) cochlea
E) eardrum

On Jul 12, 2024



A tapeworm infection could result from

A) eating insufficiently cooked pork.
B) being bitten by a mosquito.
C) ingesting eggs in contaminated water.
D) eating freshly peeled fruit.
E) wading in contaminated water.

On Jul 09, 2024



The American Federation of Labor believed that allowing skilled craftsmen to establish and enforce their own work rules and work standards would do all of the following except:

A) Promote the dignity of workers.
B) Reinforce their ability to participate in a democratic society.
C) Maintain high standards of the craft.
D) Advance the cause of industrial workers.

On Jun 12, 2024



Once an endosymbiotic relationship was established between a bacteria and a eukaryotic cell, what effect did it have on their genomes?

A) The bacteria transferred all of its DNA to the eukaryotic nucleus.
B) The endosymbiotic relationship did not affect either cell's genome.
C) The bacteria lost its genome and relied solely on the eukaryotic cell.
D) Both genomes evolved so that eventually the host and the bacteria became incapable of living independently.
E) The eukaryotic genome lost some genes whose function could be supported by the bacteria but the bacterial genome did not change.

On Jun 09, 2024



Research suggests that unionized firms are generally less profitable than nonunionized firms, unions reduce employment growth, and unionized workers are generally less satisfied than nonunion workers. Together, these facts provide strong evidence that unions are bad for workers.

On May 13, 2024



During inspiration, contraction of the diaphragm causes the volume of Mr. Jones' thoracic cavity to increase and the pleural pressure to decrease. The pressure in his alveoli (Palv) will

A) decrease below atmospheric pressure (PB) , causing air to move out of his lungs.
B) become greater than atmospheric pressure (PB) , causing air to move into his lungs.
C) decrease below atmospheric pressure (PB) , causing air to move into his lungs.
D) become greater than atmospheric pressure (PB) , causing air to move out of his lungs.
E) does not change.

On May 10, 2024



What is the purpose of lacteals?

A) Drain blood from the spleen
B) Absorb fluid from capillary beds
C) Absorb lipids from the digestive tract
D) Absorb solutes from interstitial spaces

On May 06, 2024



Explain how dissolved sugar is transported in the phloem by means of a pressure gradient.

On May 03, 2024

Concepts to Consider: At the source, a proton pump moves H+ out of sieve tube members, causing active transport of sugar into sieve tube members. Water moves by osmosis into sieve tubes, and hydrostatic pressure increases inside them. At the sink, sugar is transported out of sieve tube members, with water following. Thus, hydrostatic pressure decreases within the sieve tubes from source to sink. Hence, sugar moves between the source and sink as it flows along the pressure gradient.