


Who was the Nationalist leader of the Philippines who had been battling the Spanish for years?

A) Jose Rizal
B) Marcelo Azcarraga Palmero
C) Mariano Ponce
D) Emilio Aguinaldo

On Jul 25, 2024



In 1860,roughly how many white southerners,out of a total population of 8 million,owned slaves?

A) 1,270,000
B) 390,000
C) 215,000
D) 3,050,000

On Jul 22, 2024



How did the California gold rush affect the California population?

A) Tens of thousands of workers from Japan created the first significant Asian population in the United States.
B) Foreign miners controlled most of the mine leases and most of the wealth in the territory.
C) Treasure seekers from around the world created a population with remarkable ethnic diversity.
D) The Native American population grew as tribes gained wealth through leases on mines.
E) A rapid influx of young married couples resulted in an explosion in the number of young white children.

On Jun 23, 2024



Explain the role of the American Expeditionary Force in Europe.

On Jun 19, 2024

Although U.S. forces arrived late in the war, they were in time to halt a massive German offensive made possible after the end of the war in the East with the Treaty of Brest-Litowsk. Once the offensive got stuck and it became clear that the Allies had a new vast pool of manpower, Germany had to concede defeat.


Why were the Spanish interested in New Mexico?

On May 23, 2024

gold, conversions, personal glory


How many Americans gathered in cities across the country for the first Earth Day on April 22, 1970?

A) 200,000
B) 2 million
C) 10 million
D) 20 million

On May 20, 2024



Briefly describe Woodrow Wilson's "Moral Imperialism."

On May 17, 2024

Woodrow Wilson's "Moral Imperialism" refers to a foreign policy approach that he advocated during his presidency, which lasted from 1913 to 1921. This approach was characterized by the belief that the United States had a moral obligation to spread democracy and promote moral progress in the world, particularly in Latin America and other regions where American interests were at stake.

Wilson's moral imperialism was a departure from the more traditional and aggressive forms of imperialism that had been practiced by European powers, which often involved the outright conquest and exploitation of territories. Instead, Wilson believed that the U.S. should lead by example and use its influence to encourage political and social reform in other nations, with the goal of creating stable, democratic governments that would be more amenable to U.S. interests and values.

This policy was evident in Wilson's actions in Latin America, where he frequently intervened in the affairs of nations such as Mexico, Haiti, and the Dominican Republic. Wilson's administration justified these interventions on the grounds of promoting stability and democracy, but critics have argued that they were often driven by a desire to protect American economic interests and to prevent European powers from gaining a foothold in the region.

Wilson's moral imperialism also had a significant impact on the U.S. approach to World War I. Wilson initially kept the United States neutral, but eventually led the country into the war with the aim of making the world "safe for democracy." His post-war vision, outlined in his Fourteen Points, called for self-determination for all nations, the establishment of a League of Nations to foster international cooperation, and an end to secret treaties and aggressive militarism.

While Wilson's idealistic approach to foreign policy had some positive effects, it also faced criticism for being hypocritical and paternalistic, as it sometimes resulted in military occupation and control over other nations rather than true self-determination. Moreover, Wilson's policies did not always align with his professed ideals, as seen in his administration's record on race relations and civil liberties within the United States.


A consequence of Bacon's Rebellion was a consolidation of power among Virginia's elite.

On May 13, 2024



Which one of the following statements describes conditions experienced by those aboard ship during the Middle Passage?

A) Slave traders' lives were more at risk than the lives of the enslaved due to the high frequency of slave revolts during the journeys.
B) Slaves were immediately put to work performing the many duties required to take a sailing vessel across the Atlantic.
C) Slaves were separated by gender and locked into pens above deck, with no refuge from the weather.
D) Slaves were inhumanely crowded into very small spaces and often chained to the deck.
E) Slaves regularly exercised and were well fed so that they would arrive at markets in the New World looking strong and healthy.

On May 10, 2024



With regard to civil liberties during the Civil War, President Lincoln

A) always let courts and judges have the final say.
B) suspended the writ of habeas corpus.
C) ordered most Democratic newspapers shut down.
D) urged the impeachment of federal judges who opposed him.
E) strictly followed the Ex parte Milligan decision rendered in 1866.

On May 06, 2024