


What can teachers do at the classroom level to help buffer children from gang activity or becoming a gang member?

On Aug 01, 2024

Establish before- and after-school programs where children can be supervised while families are at work.Teach conflict resolution skills and have regular class meetings to help resolve conflicts.Give children choices and responsibilities in the classroom.Develop positive,supportive relationship with students.Create a positive school climate and antibullying strategies.Encourage students to share their fears and concerns and to report threats or criminal activity without fear of reprisal.


A baseline should continue until the trend has stabilized before implementing interventions.

On Jul 27, 2024



The broken line used in a diagram for a cohort design indicates that the two groups in the design are successive cohorts and not nonequivalent groups.

On Jul 22, 2024



Explain the differences between Martin Luther King's and Malcolm X's visions of the means to achieving racial justice.

On Jul 18, 2024

Martin Luther King, Jr., was committed to following a nonviolent path to racial justice using peaceful political protest, while Malcolm X believed that violent means could sometimes be necessary, for example, in situations that called for self-defense.


Teachers can support a child's transition to a blended family by treating the custodial parent and stepparent as the child's sole family.

On Jul 14, 2024



Federal law requires public school educators to report all suspected child abuse information through their school administrators,who then investigate and report to the proper authorities,if appropriate.

On Jun 28, 2024



A STEAM-themed event is well suited to problem-based,critical thinking,and ______ activities for families and children.

A) hands-on
B) safe and easy
C) inexpensive
D) quick

On Jun 24, 2024



Ms.Timmons is a first-year principal of a Title I elementary school.She wants to increase family presence and participation in the school by starting a new family volunteer program.Most of the students' families,however,are working families,and many have limited English skills.What can Ms.Timmons do to establish a successful program in her school?

On Jun 20, 2024

Conduct a specific needs assessment of families concerning their demographic background,personal goals,and individual knowledge and experiences.Find out about family needs for transportation and/or childcare,convenient times and location for events,language or bilingual formats,knowledge or experiences with the technology being used,and questions or concerns that they may have about the topic of the event.Develop specific objectives for events,followed by revisions for future events,based on family responses.Carefully select activities that have a clear cultural connection to the community and the participants.Include school facilitators and community stakeholders who are familiar with the culture of the school and community.Plan activities that are reflective of community values and will increase families' level of comfort and result in cultural cohesiveness between school and home.Get family feedback after the event in order to make improvements.


A drawback to videoconferencing is that student work cannot be shared with families during the conference.

On Jun 17, 2024



What technique is used in the following definition: "RADAR originally stood for 'radio detection and ranging,' but these days it is rarely used as an acronym and instead appears as the noun radar"?

On Jun 12, 2024

The technique used in the definition provided for RADAR is called an "acronym." An acronym is a form of abbreviation where the initial letters from a series of words are taken and pronounced as a word. In the case of RADAR, it stands for "Radio Detection And Ranging." Over time, the term "radar" has become so common that it is no longer thought of as an acronym and is instead used as a regular noun in the English language. This process, where an acronym becomes a standard word that is no longer recognized as an acronym, is sometimes referred to as lexicalization.