


Diana's first job was as an air traffic controller, a position she found very stressful.Realizing that this wasn't for her, she found another job as a management trainee and resigned from her air traffic controller position.Her reaction to stress was one of

A) problem solving.
B) rationalization.
C) time management.
D) displacement.
E) reaction formation.

On May 06, 2024



Peter gives preference to African-Americans in try-outs to the company basketball team because he believes that they will perform better in the long run than others.Explain which of the five perceptual errors may be operating here,and why.

On May 03, 2024

The major perceptual errors are perceptual defense,stereotyping,halo effect,and projection.In this case it is likely that stereotyping (the process of assigning attributes to a person solely on the basis of a category to which that person belongs)is operating in this example.The fact that many pro basketball players are African-American and that basketball is a popular sport among urban black youth may contribute to the perception that blacks will be more successful basketball players than others.