


An oral contract that should be in writing to be enforceable under the Statute of Frauds may be enforceable if it has been partially performed.

On Jul 04, 2024



On January 1, the listed spot and futures prices of a Treasury bond were 95-4 and 95-6. You sold $100,000 par value Treasury bonds and purchased one Treasury bond futures contract. One month later, the listed spot price and futures prices were 95 and 94-4, respectively. If you were to liquidate your position, your profits would be a

A) $125 loss.
B) $125 profit.
C) $1,060.50 loss.
D) $1,062.50 profit.
E) None of the options are correct.

On Jul 03, 2024



An industry with a single producer that sells a single product with no substitutes is a:

A) perfectly competitive industry.
B) monopoly.
C) oligopoly.
D) monopolistically competitive industry.

On Jun 04, 2024



Compute the total regular earnings.

On Jun 03, 2024



Petrol Corp. owns several drilling operations in the Gulf of Mexico, refineries, service stations, and tanker trucks for transporting their products. Petrol Corp. hires an environmental manager to keep the company in compliance with various environmental laws. What laws will the environmental manager need to study and why?

On May 05, 2024

The environmental manager will need to study the Clean Air Act because the refineries and tanker trucks would be regulated by the Act. She would also need to study the Clean Water Act. The refineries and drilling operations may be located near or affect navigable waters, tributaries of navigable waters, interstate waters and their tributaries, non-navigable intrastate waters, and freshwater wetlands.
The Toxic Substances Control Act would be another Act the manager would need to review. The refineries may be using additives that are toxic substances, and the petroleum is also a toxic substance. The refineries, service stations, and drilling operations produce hazardous waste in connection with the petroleum producing activities. Therefore, RCRA would need to be reviewed to assess the plant's operations as well. In addition, the manager will have to review any state and local air, water, or waste disposal statutes or ordinances.


If you include a synopsis or an executive summary in your report, ________.

A) exclude the introduction to avoid redundancy
B) keep the introduction long
C) keep your introduction brief to avoid redundancy
D) the introduction is optional

On May 03, 2024