


How can emotional abuse be so harmful and yet so difficult to identify?

On Jul 28, 2024

Emotional or psychological abuse harms the child's spirit.Rather than striking a child with fists,it is akin to hitting a child with "words or actions." Emotional or psychological abuse can include behaviors such as belittling,humiliating,shaming,terrorizing,or rejecting children.Emotional or psychological abuse can potentially be even more harmful than physical abuse due to its long-lasting effects.Differentiating between children who have been emotionally abused and children with emotional disturbances is a difficult task.There are a number of reasons why emotional abuse is the most difficult form of child abuse to identify.One reason is that the manifestations of emotional abuse,such as learning problems,speech disorders,and delays in physical development,are also present in children who have not suffered from psychological abuse.These effects might not become apparent until later in the child's maturation.Emotional abuse may also function as a secondary type of abuse after sexual or physical abuse has occurred.


Teachers who are hesitant about reporting suspicions of abuse are advised to ______.

A) report when there are several clear warning signs
B) report when there is enough documentation of abuse
C) err on the side of over-reporting
D) err on the side of family rights to privacy

On Jul 25, 2024



An example of a euphemism used when someone dies is _____________.

A) pushing up daises
B) dead
C) dying
D) death

On Jul 18, 2024



Which of these is NOT a typical field report as described by Chapter 17?

A) a report on a visit to a potential building site for a client's office
B) a report on maintenance performed on a broken piece of machinery in a shop
C) a report on an inspection conducted at a customer's site
D) a report on an experiment conducted in your company's laboratory

On Jul 13, 2024



The only type of regulation and management of the media through government law seems to be endorsed by the media industry when it benefits the industry; do you agree?
A. If yes, why do you agree? Is this just another example of businesses trying to survive by getting the most protection as possible without consequence or is this greed? Could it be both? Explain your answer.
B. If no, why do you disagree?

On Jun 29, 2024

Yes, I agree that the media industry tends to endorse government regulation and management only when it benefits them. This can be seen as a form of self-preservation, as businesses often seek to protect their interests and ensure their survival. However, it can also be viewed as a form of greed, as the industry may prioritize their own profits and success over the potential consequences of excessive regulation. In reality, it is likely a combination of both factors. The media industry, like any other business, seeks to thrive and protect itself, but this can sometimes lead to actions that prioritize their own interests over the greater good. Ultimately, it is a complex issue with no easy answers.

B: N/A


Technician A says that a torque converter stator has a direct mechanical connection to the impeller.Technician B says that a torque converter stator has a direct mechanical connection with the turbine.Who is correct?

A) Technician A only
B) Technician B only
C) Both A and B
D) Neither A nor B

On Jun 24, 2024



The social scientist who wrote extensively about alienation is __________.

A) Emile Durkheim
B) Max Weber
C) Karl Marx
D) Thorstein Veblen

On Jun 21, 2024



The back matter section of a recommendation report serves two primary purposes. Identify one.

On Jun 17, 2024

One primary purpose of the back matter section of a recommendation report is to provide supplementary materials that support the main content of the report. This can include detailed data, technical specifications, definitions, resources, or documentation that is too extensive to include in the main body of the report. The back matter ensures that the main sections of the report remain clear and focused while still offering readers the opportunity to delve deeper into the research and evidence that underpin the report's conclusions and recommendations.


What was the main point of the special education law, PL 94-142, the Education of All Handicapped Children Act, and then the reauthorized IDEA?

On Jun 13, 2024

The main point of the special education legislation was to mandate parent involvement in planning for the education of the child.


Write a fictional argumentative dialogue between two people discussing the meaning and value of art. The dialogue should deal with the following issues: beauty and reality or truth; beauty and taste; censorship; and the ethics and educational value of art (how art does affect us and how it should affect us, morally speaking).    The two people should feel free to share their experiences with art, formal and popular. They should draw on resources in the chapter and include brief quotations, where possible, from the major philosophers who have weighed in on these issues.

On Jun 08, 2024

This is a synthesis essay ranging over issues in the whole chapter. Some students may wish to present it as a dramatic dialogue in an oral presentation or a video.