


Give two reasons why the long-run industry supply curve may slope upward. Use an example to demonstrate your reasons.

On Aug 05, 2024

1) Some resource used in production may be available only in limited quantities. 2) Firms may have different cost structures. The example provided in the text for the first reason is the market for farm products. As more people become farmers, the price of land is bid up since its supply is limited. As the price of farm land is bid up, the costs to all farmers in the market rise. The example used to support the second reason is the market for painters. Anyone can enter the market for painting services, but not everyone has the same costs because some painters work faster than others.


Do online groups allocate status more fairly than face-to-face groups?

On Aug 02, 2024

The question of whether online groups allocate status more fairly than face-to-face groups is complex and depends on various factors, including the nature of the group, the context in which it operates, and the criteria used to define "fairness." Here's an analysis of the factors that can influence the allocation of status in both settings:

1. **Anonymity and Equality**: Online groups often provide a level of anonymity that can reduce the impact of physical appearance, age, race, gender, and other characteristics that might influence status allocation in face-to-face groups. This can lead to a more equitable environment where ideas can be judged more on their merit rather than who is presenting them.

2. **Communication Style**: Online communication often lacks non-verbal cues, which can level the playing field for individuals who may be less adept at or comfortable with face-to-face interactions. This can allow for a more equitable distribution of status based on the quality of contributions rather than presentation style.

3. **Accessibility and Inclusivity**: Online groups can be more accessible to individuals with disabilities or those who are geographically distant, potentially allowing for a more diverse range of participants and a fairer allocation of status based on a wider array of perspectives.

4. **Meritocracy**: In some online environments, especially those focused on specific skills or knowledge (like technical forums or academic communities), status may be more closely tied to demonstrated expertise and contributions, which could be seen as a fairer measure than social influence or other less merit-based factors.

5. **Group Dynamics**: Both online and face-to-face groups can develop hierarchies and social structures that influence status allocation. In face-to-face groups, these dynamics can be more immediately apparent and reinforced through physical presence. Online, these structures can still form but may be based more on interaction patterns and perceived expertise.

6. **Moderation and Rules**: Online groups often have explicit rules and moderators to enforce them, which can help ensure that status is allocated based on the agreed-upon norms of the group. In face-to-face groups, social norms may be less explicit and more influenced by existing societal power dynamics.

7. **Bias and Discrimination**: Both online and face-to-face groups are not immune to biases and discrimination. However, the relative anonymity of online interactions can sometimes mitigate the impact of biases based on physical characteristics, although it does not eliminate other forms of bias such as those based on writing style, language use, or perceived expertise.

8. **Echo Chambers and Groupthink**: Online groups can sometimes become echo chambers where status is allocated to those who conform to the dominant views, which may not be a fair reflection of individual merit. Similarly, face-to-face groups can suffer from groupthink, where the desire for harmony or conformity results in an irrational or dysfunctional decision-making outcome.

In conclusion, there is no definitive answer to whether online groups allocate status more fairly than face-to-face groups. The allocation of status can be fairer in some respects and under certain conditions, but it can also be subject to different forms of bias and inequality. Ultimately, the fairness of status allocation depends on the mechanisms in place to promote equity and the vigilance of group members and leaders in upholding these principles.


Which of the following is true about good writing?

A) It presents the reader's point of view.
B) It shows that the writer is capable.
C) It increases the number of requests answered negatively.
D) It helps hide disagreements.

On Jul 06, 2024



The stable to declining quality of the labor force in the United States has been brought about by which of the following?

A) The increasing number of immigrants in the work force
B) The decline in the quality of our education system
C) The higher level of living
D) The exodus of highly educated citizens

On Jul 03, 2024



Which of the following is a danger associated with the seven-step personal recovery process?

A) People may think that they should passively allow the steps to happen to them.
B) Most people are not aware that the steps in the process tend to fail to come through.
C) People may force themselves to go through the steps quicker than usual.
D) Most people slip backward to an earlier stage of growth even when they know the steps.

On Jun 06, 2024



In the communication process of marketing communications, the marketing department often functions in the role of transmitter.

On Jun 03, 2024



Which factor would cause a DECREASE in the supply of a good?

A) a decrease in input prices
B) an increase in the number of sellers in the market
C) suppliers' expectations of higher prices in the future
D) an advancement in the technology for producing the good

On May 07, 2024



In order for bubbles to occur,expectations of a price increase usually_______demand and ______supply​

A) ​Increases;Increases
B) Increases;Decreases
C) Decreases;Increases
D) ​Decreases;Decreases

On May 04, 2024