


According to the classical dichotomy, what changes nominal variables? What changes real variables?

On Aug 04, 2024

The classical dichotomy argues that nominal variables are determined primarily by developments in the monetary system such as changes in money demand and supply. Real variables are largely independent of the monetary system and are determined by productivity and real changes in the factor and loanable funds markets.


Mike,a minor,buys some real estate as an investment.The contract obligates Mike to make monthly installment payments for 10 years.Mike reaches the age of majority one month after making the contract.After this,Mike makes 25 monthly payments under the contract,but then decides that he wants to rescind the deal.Which of the following is most true?

A) Mike can disaffirm.
B) Mike cannot disaffirm because contracts for the sale of land can only be disaffirmed before the age of majority.
C) Mike cannot disaffirm because contracts for the sale of land must be disaffirmed within one year of the age of majority.
D) Mike cannot disaffirm because he has already ratified the contract.

On Aug 02, 2024



Can Rufus and Sven move forward with the purchase of new equipment from SportsCo, over Igor's insistence on purchasing the equipment from HealthCo?

A) Yes, because most partnership decisions are made by majority vote and this decision does not involve an alteration in the nature of the business.
B) No, because decisions that involve an alteration in the nature of the business require a unanimous vote.
C) No, although most partnership decisions are made by majority vote, this decision involves an alteration in the nature of the business.
D) Yes, but only if all material facts about the restaurant and casino have been disclosed to Igor.
E) No, alterations to the nature of the business require a unanimous vote.

On Jul 04, 2024



HR budgets are used to forecast the total HR demand requirement for operational or short-run time periods.

On Jul 03, 2024



Why are administrative agencies sometimes referred to as the "fourth branch of government," and is this an accurate representation?

On Jun 04, 2024

Because legislative,judicial,and executive powers have traditionally been placed in separate branches of government by the United States Constitution,the role of administrative agencies has led some to refer to agencies as the unofficial "fourth branch" of government.Administrative agencies are not actually a branch of government,primarily because all of their authority is merely delegated to them.Despite their delegated authority,administrative agencies remain under the control of the three traditional branches of government.


Which of the following is an example of substantive unconscionability?

A) Terms that are stated in "fine print"
B) A disparity in bargaining power between the parties
C) High-pressure sales tactics
D) Unjustifiably harsh terms

On Jun 03, 2024



State how the world economy can benefit from free trade.

On May 05, 2024

Through free trade, the world economy can achieve a more efficient allocation of resources and a higher level of material well-being than it can without free trade. It promotes competition and deters monopoly. Free trade gives consumers a wider range of product choices. Additionally, it links national interests and breaks down national animosities.


A dealer decides to sell an oil painting by means of an English auction with a reservation price of slightly below $100,000.If she fails to get a bid as high as her reservation price, she will burn the painting.There are two bidders.The dealer believes that each bidder's willingness to pay will take one of the three following values: $110,000, $100,000, and $25,000.The dealer believes that each bidder has a probability of 1/3 of having each of these three values.The probability distribution of each buyer's value is independent of that of the other's.Assuming that the two bidders bid rationally and do not collude, the dealer's expected revenue from selling the painting is slightly less than

A) $89,000.
B) $100,000.
C) $105,000.
D) $80,000.
E) $78,333.33.

On May 04, 2024