


Which of the following is not an equitable remedy available for a breach of contract?

A) Rescission
B) Restitution
C) Specific performance
D) Injunction
E) Novation

On Jul 03, 2024



Zenith Company's Merchandise Inventory account at year-end has a balance of $91,820,but a physical count reveals that only $90,450 of inventory exists.The adjusting entry to record this $1,370 of inventory shrinkage is:

A) Zenith Company's Merchandise Inventory account at year-end has a balance of $91,820,but a physical count reveals that only $90,450 of inventory exists.The adjusting entry to record this $1,370 of inventory shrinkage is: A)    B)    C)    D)    E)
B) Zenith Company's Merchandise Inventory account at year-end has a balance of $91,820,but a physical count reveals that only $90,450 of inventory exists.The adjusting entry to record this $1,370 of inventory shrinkage is: A)    B)    C)    D)    E)
C) Zenith Company's Merchandise Inventory account at year-end has a balance of $91,820,but a physical count reveals that only $90,450 of inventory exists.The adjusting entry to record this $1,370 of inventory shrinkage is: A)    B)    C)    D)    E)
D) Zenith Company's Merchandise Inventory account at year-end has a balance of $91,820,but a physical count reveals that only $90,450 of inventory exists.The adjusting entry to record this $1,370 of inventory shrinkage is: A)    B)    C)    D)    E)
E) Zenith Company's Merchandise Inventory account at year-end has a balance of $91,820,but a physical count reveals that only $90,450 of inventory exists.The adjusting entry to record this $1,370 of inventory shrinkage is: A)    B)    C)    D)    E)

On Jul 03, 2024



When a decision maker chooses the option leading to the outcome that he or she most prefers,he or she has made a _____ decision.

A) irrational
B) rational
C) profit-maximizing
D) loss-minimizing

On Jun 04, 2024



The organizational culture, or general atmosphere in the company, has proven to be a weak influence on employee performance and behavior.

On Jun 03, 2024



Identify the four primary causes of the bullwhip effect and the remedy for each.

On May 05, 2024

(1) Cause: Demand forecast errors (cumulative uncertainty in the supply chain); Remedy: Share demand information throughout the supply chain.
(2) Cause: Order batching (large, infrequent orders leading suppliers to order even larger amounts); Remedy: Channel coordination-determine lot sizes as though the full supply chain was one company.
(3) Cause: Price fluctuations (buying in advance of demand to take advantage of low prices, discounts, or sales); Remedy: Price stabilization (everyday low prices).
(4) Cause: Shortage gaming (hoarding supplies for fear of a supply shortage); Remedy: Allocate orders based on past demand.


Blu-ray producers cannot jointly lobby Congress to change the copyright laws without being held liable for attempting to restrain trade.

On May 04, 2024
