


Why did Roger Williams found Rhode Island?

A) to establish a Catholic colony
B) to establish a Jewish colony
C) to establish a haven for religious dissenters
D) to establish a Native American colony
E) to compete with Connecticut for access to the British export trade

On Jul 27, 2024



How did the League of United Latin American Citizens regard Mexican-Americans?

A) All Mexican-Americans were immigrants who did not deserve full rights.
B) Mexican-Americans should be categorized as a separate race.
C) Mexican-Americans had the right to be naturalized, but Mexicans should no longer be allowed entry into the United States.
D) Mexican-Americans were white and deserved the same rights that other whites had.
E) Mexican-Americans were black but should not face segregation.

On Jul 21, 2024



To create national parks such as Yellowstone, Yosemite, and Glacier, the federal government

A) removed animals from the land.
B) set aside lands that had never been inhabited by humans.
C) removed Indians who hunted and fished on these lands.
D) dismantled the Northern Pacific Railroad.
E) barred logging and timber companies west of the Mississippi River.

On Jul 17, 2024



After the attacks of September 11, 2001, ______________________.

A) President Bush, Vice President Cheney, and Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld began seriously to contemplate toppling the Saddam Hussein government in Iraq
B) definitive and incontrovertible evidence was uncovered that Saddam Hussein was on the verge of building a nuclear weapon
C) the Bush administration seemed confused and indecisive regarding how to respond to the attacks
D) it was revealed that Saddam Hussein was part of the Al Qaeda plot to attack the United States

On Jun 20, 2024



Religion was a major factor in the colonization process of North America, yet each country took a different approach. Discuss the approaches taken by the Spanish, French and English to justify colonization based on religious doctrine. In your opinion, which group was the most successful? Explain your answer.

On Jun 17, 2024

The Spanish, French, and English all used religion as a justification for their colonization efforts in North America, but each took a different approach.

The Spanish justified their colonization based on the idea of spreading Christianity to the indigenous peoples of the Americas. They saw themselves as bringing the light of Christianity to the "heathen" natives, and used this as a moral justification for their conquest and subjugation of the native populations. The Spanish also established missions and converted indigenous people to Catholicism as part of their colonization efforts.

The French, on the other hand, focused more on establishing trade relationships with the indigenous peoples and converting them to Catholicism. They saw the native populations as potential allies and trading partners, and sought to establish friendly relations with them in order to further their economic interests in the region.

The English also used religion as a justification for their colonization efforts, but their approach was more focused on establishing colonies where English Protestants could practice their faith freely. The English colonies were often founded by religious dissenters seeking to escape persecution in England, and they saw the New World as a place where they could establish their own religious communities.

In my opinion, the Spanish were the most successful in using religion as a justification for colonization, as they were able to establish a vast empire in the Americas and convert large numbers of indigenous people to Catholicism. However, their success came at a great cost to the native populations, as the Spanish conquest and colonization led to the decimation of indigenous cultures and populations. The French and English were also successful in their own ways, but their approaches to colonization were less focused on religious conversion and more on economic and political interests.


Defend the following statement: "By 1750, colonial America already displayed the socioeconomic, ethnic, and religious diversity that characterizes modern America. Although this diversity has been one of the strengths of American society, events in the eighteenth century demonstrate that tension, conflict, and crisis are inherent elements of this diversity."

On Jun 13, 2024

The statement that "By 1750, colonial America already displayed the socioeconomic, ethnic, and religious diversity that characterizes modern America" can be defended by looking at the various groups that were present in colonial America at the time.

Socioeconomically, there were wealthy landowners, small farmers, indentured servants, and enslaved Africans, creating a diverse economic landscape. Ethnically, there were English, Dutch, French, Spanish, Native American, and African populations, among others, contributing to a rich tapestry of cultures. And religiously, there were Anglicans, Puritans, Quakers, Catholics, Jews, and various Protestant denominations, reflecting a wide range of beliefs and practices.

This diversity has indeed been one of the strengths of American society, as it has allowed for the exchange of ideas, the blending of traditions, and the fostering of innovation. However, events in the eighteenth century also demonstrate that tension, conflict, and crisis are inherent elements of this diversity.

The French and Indian War, for example, pitted the British and their American colonists against the French and their Native American allies, highlighting the tensions between different European powers and their respective colonial interests. The Great Awakening, a religious revival movement, led to divisions within Protestant communities and heightened religious fervor, contributing to social and cultural conflicts. And the institution of slavery, which was deeply intertwined with the economic and social fabric of colonial America, created ongoing tensions and eventually led to the Civil War in the 19th century.

These events illustrate that while diversity can be a strength, it can also lead to friction and discord. The challenge for American society has been to navigate these tensions and conflicts in a way that promotes understanding, cooperation, and progress. This ongoing process has shaped the development of the United States and continues to be a defining characteristic of modern America.


The claims of the conservative Tea Party focused on

A) the president wanting to repeal the Fourteenth Amendment birthright to citizenship.
B) a denunciation that racial inequality continued to exist.
C) reducing the overbearing power the Obama administration was giving to the states.
D) the growth of the federal government and immigration policies.
E) banning free trade agreements with foreign nations.

On May 21, 2024



The demand for African slave labor in North America increased due to the

A) decrease in American-born slaves.
B) demands of plantation labor.
C) limits set by African slavers on export quotas.
D) success of Louisiana as a major tobacco producer.

On May 17, 2024



How did Upton Sinclair's The Jungle push the progressive agenda?

On May 14, 2024

the novel highlighted the atrocious working conditions in the meatpacking industry; result was legislation that aimed to protect the consumer more than the workers - the Meat Inspection Act.


What was the goal of Edmund Charles Genet when he came to America in 1793?

A) to become a U.S. citizen
B) seek trade opportunities for France
C) enlist U.S. support for the French Revolution
D) settle in French Canada

On May 11, 2024