


Who gets scarce resources in a market economy?

A) The government
B) Whoever the government decides gets them
C) Whoever wants them
D) Whoever is willing and able to pay the price

On Jul 04, 2024



Cha Li Lao Company wants to purchase equipment with a 3-year useful life which is expected to produce cash inflows of $15000 each year for two years and $9000 in year 3. Woods has a 14% cost of capital and uses the following factors. What is the present value of these future cash flows?  Present Value of 1\text { Present Value of } 1 Present Value of 1
 Period 14%1.882.773.67\begin{array}{cc}\text { Period } & 14 \% \\\hline 1 & {.88}\\2 & .77\\3&.67\end{array} Period 12314%.88.77.67

A) $26130
B) $30780
C) $30870
D) $34750

On Jul 04, 2024



Which of the following sentences avoids the use of cluttering phrases?

A) This campaign was conducted for the purpose of informing people about the product.
B) The president declared the budget for the project was in the neighborhood of $20 million.
C) It is annoying when someone does not listen to your cautions and makes mistakes.
D) During the present time, I shall complete these reports.
E) In view of the fact that this will be the last meeting for this quarter, the chairperson will announce the salary hikes for the employees.

On Jun 05, 2024



______ state(s) human needs progress to higher levels as the lower level needs are met.

A) Maslow's theory
B) Taylor's approach
C) Operant conditioning
D) The Hawthorne experiments

On Jun 04, 2024



Brault Corporation has provided the following information: Brault Corporation has provided the following information:   If 10,000 units are sold, the variable cost per unit sold is closest to: A)  $22.75 B)  $11.95 C)  $13.50 D)  $28.80 If 10,000 units are sold, the variable cost per unit sold is closest to:

A) $22.75
B) $11.95
C) $13.50
D) $28.80

On May 05, 2024



Robert Evans owns a business, Beachside Realty, that rents condominiums and furnishings. Below is the adjusted trial balance at December 31.​ Robert Evans owns a business, Beachside Realty, that rents condominiums and furnishings. Below is the adjusted trial balance at December 31.​   Prepare the entry required to close the drawing account at the end of the period. Prepare the entry required to close the drawing account at the end of the period.

On May 04, 2024

 Dec. 31  Robert Evans, Capital 2,000 Robert Evans, Drawing 2,000\begin{array} { | l | c | r | r | } \hline \text { Dec. 31 } & \text { Robert Evans, Capital } & 2,000 & \\\hline & \text { Robert Evans, Drawing } & & 2,000 \\\hline\end{array} Dec. 31  Robert Evans, Capital  Robert Evans, Drawing 2,0002,000