


George McClellan ran for president in 1864, pledging to end the Civil War.

On Jun 10, 2024



Compare and contrast the lifestyle and values of the major economic classes in eighteenth-century colonial America.

On Jun 09, 2024

In eighteenth-century colonial America, there were three major economic classes: the wealthy elite, the middle class, and the lower class. Each class had distinct lifestyles and values that were shaped by their economic status.

The wealthy elite, consisting of wealthy landowners, merchants, and professionals, lived a lavish lifestyle. They owned large estates, lived in grand homes, and had access to the best education and cultural opportunities. Their values were centered around maintaining their social status and wealth, often through the accumulation of land and material possessions. They also placed a high value on education and cultural refinement, often sending their children to Europe for further education.

The middle class, which included small farmers, tradespeople, and skilled artisans, had a more modest lifestyle. They owned smaller farms or businesses and lived in more modest homes. Their values were centered around hard work, self-sufficiency, and upward mobility. They placed a high value on education for their children and often emphasized practical skills and knowledge.

The lower class, consisting of indentured servants, laborers, and slaves, had the most challenging lifestyle. They often lived in poverty, worked long hours for little pay, and had limited access to education and opportunities for advancement. Their values were centered around survival, community support, and resistance to oppression.

Overall, the wealthy elite valued social status and wealth, the middle class valued hard work and upward mobility, and the lower class valued survival and community support. These differences in lifestyle and values contributed to the social and economic dynamics of colonial America.


First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt changed the role of the First Lady and openly disagreed with her husband.

On Jun 07, 2024



What was the concern of some Americans, including Abraham Lincoln, regarding the War with Mexico?

A) origin of the war
B) treatment of Mexican soldiers
C) treatment of Mexican civilians
D) number of deaths

On May 11, 2024



In 1940, the "cash and carry" plan

A) allowed Great Britain to purchase U.S. arms on a restricted basis.
B) allowed Germany to purchase U.S. arms on a restricted basis.
C) allowed Japan to purchase U.S. arms on a restricted basis.
D) allowed all belligerents to purchase U.S. arms on a restricted basis.
E) was voted down by Congress.

On May 09, 2024



Committee on Public Information

On May 08, 2024

The Committee on Public Information (CPI), also known as the Creel Committee after its chairman George Creel, was an independent agency of the United States government created during World War I to influence U.S. public opinion regarding American participation in the war. Established by President Woodrow Wilson through Executive Order 2594 on April 13, 1917, shortly after the U.S. entered the war, the CPI aimed to promote the war domestically while publicizing American war aims abroad.

The historical significance of the Committee on Public Information lies in several key areas:

1. Propaganda Efforts: The CPI is often considered the first large-scale government propaganda agency. It produced a wide range of media including posters, films, pamphlets, and press releases to shape public opinion and maintain support for the war effort. The committee's work was pioneering in the field of propaganda and public relations.

2. Four-Minute Men: One of the CPI's most innovative strategies was the deployment of "Four-Minute Men," volunteers who gave short pro-war speeches in movie theaters and other public places. These speeches were designed to be brief yet persuasive, and the Four-Minute Men reached millions of Americans with their messages.

3. Promotion of Patriotism: The CPI played a significant role in promoting patriotism and national unity during a time of war. It encouraged Americans to support the war effort through various means, including buying war bonds, conserving food, and enlisting in the military.

4. Censorship and Civil Liberties: While the CPI did not have formal censorship powers, its activities contributed to a climate of self-censorship and conformity. The Espionage Act of 1917 and the Sedition Act of 1918, which imposed harsh penalties for anti-war activities, were supported by the patriotic fervor that the CPI helped to create. This had significant implications for civil liberties in the United States.

5. Influence on Public Opinion: The CPI significantly influenced public opinion and the way governments subsequently approached mass communication and the dissemination of information during times of conflict. Its methods and strategies laid the groundwork for future government communication efforts in subsequent wars and peacetime.

6. Legacy in Public Relations: The CPI's activities are considered a major event in the history of public relations. The committee's use of media to shape public perception and its engagement with the public set precedents for modern public relations practices.

In summary, the Committee on Public Information was historically significant for its role in pioneering government propaganda, promoting patriotism, influencing public opinion, and shaping the field of public relations. Its legacy is a complex one, as it also raised important questions about the balance between national security, propaganda, and civil liberties.


How did other nations respond to the financial deregulation in the United States in the late 1990s and 2000s?

A) Foreign investors rarely found out about the new opportunities.
B) Banks across Europe and Asia bought large amounts of investment products in the deregulated market.
C) Coming from a more conservative business climate, European banks shied away from the fruits of deregulation.
D) As lawmakers had intended, Asian nations bought up the majority of the new assets available through deregulation.

On May 07, 2024



During the late nineteenth century, Chinese men occupied up to __________ of service industry jobs like laundry and food preparation in the urban areas and on ranches in the American West.

A) 30 percent
B) 50 percent
C) 70 percent
D) 90 percent

On May 06, 2024



In the first fifty years of the Charleston port, more Indian slaves were exported than African slaves imported.

On May 04, 2024
