


Thanks to software such as PowerPoint,Keynote,and Prezi,preparing presentation visuals now requires almost no planning.

On Aug 04, 2024



Financial assets:

A) are legal documents.
B) give their owners claims to past cash flows.
C) include stocks and bonds.
D) Both a & c
E) All of the above

On Aug 02, 2024



Is Allison correct that she owes no duties to shareholders?

A) Yes, she is correct because it is the directors who owe duties to shareholders.
B) No, she is incorrect because she owes a duty of care to shareholders although she owes no other duties.
C) No, she is incorrect because she owes a duty of loyalty to shareholders although she owes no other duties.
D) No, she is incorrect because she owes both a duty of care and a duty of loyalty to shareholders.
E) She is partially correct. She owes both a duty of care and a duty of loyalty to minority shareholders, but no duties to majority shareholders because the law assumes that they have the power to protect their own interests.

On Jul 05, 2024



If the company sells 9,100 units, its total contribution margin should be closest to:

A) $174,500
B) $192,000
C) $52,135
D) $182,000

On Jul 03, 2024



Which of the following miscellaneous itemized deductions is not subject to the 2% of adjusted gross income limitation?

A) Unreimbursed employee business expenses.
B) Gambling losses up to the amount of gambling winnings.
C) Union or professional dues and subscriptions.
D) Tax return preparation fees.

On Jun 05, 2024



The sole proprietor of the Milwaukee Machine Company receives all accounting profits earned by her firm. She has a standing salary offer of $32,000 a year to work for a large corporation. If she had invested her capital outside her own company, she estimates that would have returned $15,000 this year. If accounting profits for the year were $55,000, then her economic profits were (based solely on the given figures)

A) $102,000.
B) $8,000.
C) $47,000.
D) $-23,000.

On Jun 03, 2024



Differentiate between the internal perspective and the external perspective of understanding human behavior.

On May 06, 2024

Answers will vary. The vast majority of theories and models of human behavior fall into two basic categories: that of an internal perspective and that of an external perspective. The internal perspective looks at workers' minds to understand their behavior. It is psychodynamically oriented, and its proponents understand human behavior in terms of the thoughts, feelings, past experiences, and needs of the individual. The internal perspective explains people's actions and behavior in terms of their histories and personal value systems.
The external perspective, on the other hand, focuses on factors outside the person to understand behavior, that is, external events, consequences, and environmental forces. This perspective excludes consideration of a person's history, feelings, thoughts, and personal value system in interpreting actions and behavior. Please see the section "Human Behavior in Organizations" for more information.


Discuss the key factors that make training and development programs effective.

On May 04, 2024

The key factors that make training and development programs effective can be found in The Trainer's Notebook 14.2 and include trainee characteristics, active practice, instructional methods, Gagne's nine events of instruction, and factors in the pre- and post-training environment.