


Under the skillful administration of rulers such as Askia Muhammad,which empire became the largest and most powerful kingdom in West African history?

A) Ghana
B) Mali
C) Kongo
D) Songhay

On Jun 20, 2024



Finding no gold on his explorations,Christopher Columbus suggested that Ferdinand and Isabella could use the islands he discovered by selling

A) the crops to passing ships.
B) the people as slaves.
C) the lumber to build ships.
D) the tobacco to Europeans.
E) passage from the islands to the Far East.

On Jun 14, 2024



In response to the Soviet agreement to withdraw its missiles from Cuba, President Kennedy pledged that the United States would ____________________.

A) establish normal diplomatic relations with Cuba
B) refrain from invading Cuba
C) end the economic boycott against Cuba
D) abandon the American naval base at Guantanamo Bay

On May 21, 2024



Why did President Taft order Marines to Nicaragua in 1912?

A) The revolutionary Sandinista regime had initiated dramatic land reforms.
B) The ruling family had committed heinous atrocities against their own people.
C) Nicaraguans had risen up in protest against their pro-American president.
D) Taft had hoped to unite Panama and Nicaragua into one new American protectorate.

On May 18, 2024



Pennsylvania's treatment of Native Americans was unique in what way?

A) Pennsylvania was the only colony in which efforts at conversion focused on turning Native Americans into Quakers.
B) The colony bought all of the land the Native Americans occupied and moved them west of the Appalachians, meaning that Indians were relocated but not decimated.
C) Because Quakers were pacifists, they had to bring in militias from other colonies to take over Native American lands.
D) Despite their belief in pacifism, Pennsylvanians were determined to exterminate the natives and immediately experienced conflicts with them.
E) Pennsylvania purchased Indian land that was then resold to colonists and offered refuge to tribes driven out of other colonies.

On May 15, 2024



How did the Roosevelt corollary subvert the Monroe doctrine?

A) It asserted the nation's right to intervene in internal affairs in Latin America.
B) It supported revolutionary movements in Central America.
C) It invited European powers as partners and governance of Latin America.
D) It declared all of Central America an American colony.

On May 11, 2024



How did the Missouri Compromise affect future applications for statehood?

A) It created an effective means of dealing with all future state applications.
B) It satisfied both the pro-slavery and anti-slavery factions.
C) It prevented territories from applying for statehood until the slavery issue was resolved completely.
D) An imaginary line separated the northern (free) territories from southern (slaveholding) territories; the status of slavery would be determined by location.

On May 08, 2024



What was one of the subjects of important debates occurring in Boston in 1735?

A) Inoculation
B) Religious freedom
C) Tariff issues
D) Indian relations

On May 04, 2024