


Which of the following is true regarding Zoe's liability to Rohan?

A) Because of the fraudulent alteration, Zoe is not liable to Rohan for any amounts under the promissory note.
B) Zoe's obligation will be enforced only to the amount of $4,000 if payment is to be made to Rohan; but if the note has been negotiated to another holder, Zoe is liable for $4,500.
C) Taylor's obligation will be enforced only to the amount of $3,000 if payment is to be made to Rohan; but in the event the note is negotiated to a holder in due course, Taylor is liable for $3,500.
D) Unless Zoe has a written document from Rohan to the effect that the agreement was for $4,000 only, Zoe and Rohan will be legally required to split the remainder with Zoe being held responsible for $4,250.
E) Zoe is liable for $4,000 regardless of whether or not Rohan has negotiated the note to another party.

On May 06, 2024



As a small business manager, you should strive to purchase the highest quality goods at a low price.

On May 06, 2024



Which of the following statements is correct?

A) For independent projects, the NPV, IRR, MIRR, and discounted payback (using a payback requirement of three years or less) methods always lead to the same accept/reject decisions for a given project.
B) For mutually exclusive projects with normal cash flows, the NPV and MIRR methods can never conflict, but their results could conflict with the discounted payback and the regular IRR methods.
C) Multiple IRRs can exist, but not multiple MIRRs. This is one reason some people favour the MIRR over the regular IRR.
D) If a firm uses the discounted payback method with a required payback of four years, then it will accept more projects than if it used as its cutoff criterion a regular payback of four years.

On May 05, 2024