


According to David McClelland, describe the four power-oriented characteristics of managers who use power successfully.

On Aug 03, 2024

Answers will vary. David McClelland has found that managers who use power successfully have four power-oriented characteristics:
1. Belief in the authority system. They believe that the institution is important and that its authority system is valid. They are comfortable influencing and being influenced. The source of their power is the authority system of which they are a part.
2. Preference for work and discipline. They like their work and are very orderly. They have a basic value preference for the Protestant work ethic, believing that work is good for a person over and beyond its income-producing value.
3. Altruism. They publicly put the company and its needs before their own needs. They are able to do this because they see their own well-being as integrally tied to the company's well-being.
4. Belief in justice. They believe justice is to be sought above all else. People should receive that to which they are entitled and that which they earn. Please see the section "Using Power Ethically" for more information.


Which of the following is not a common method of capital budgeting?

A) Gross profit method
B) Payback method
C) Discounted cash flow method
D) Annual rate of return method

On Jul 07, 2024



What are the three phases of a project? Describe each in a sentence or two.

On Jul 04, 2024

The three phases are planning, scheduling, and controlling. Planning includes goal setting, defining the project, and team organization. Scheduling relates people, money, and supplies to specific activities and relates activities to each other. Controlling is where the firm monitors resources, costs, quality, and budgets. It also revises or changes plans and shifts resources to meet time and cost demands.


In the case in Scenario 18.1, the Coase theorem specifies that:

A) the result will be different if the fishermen are given the right to clean water than it will be if the factory is given the right to use the water as it sees fit, but the result will be inefficient in either case.
B) the efficient result will occur whether the fishermen are given the right to clean water or the factory is given the right to use the water as it sees fit.
C) economic efficiency requires that the fishermen be given the right to clean water.
D) economic efficiency requires that no one may contaminate the water.
E) economic efficiency requires that the fishermen be given the right to clean water and that the factory be given the right to use the water as it sees fit.

On Jun 07, 2024



____ is an example of a country characterized by the cultural value of long-term orientation.

A) United States
B) China
C) United Kingdom
D) Pakistan

On Jun 04, 2024



Which of the following is most likely true about proof statements?

A) Survey results from magazines are invalid proof statements.
B) Proof statements can substantiate a salesperson's product claims.
C) Past sales records are weak proof statements and infrequently used.
D) Company proof results are the most credible type of proof statements.
E) Proof statements encourage two-way communication with customers.

On May 08, 2024



The cost of goods available for sale is:

A) $1,376,000
B) $1,567,000
C) $1,769,750
D) $1,597,000

On May 05, 2024