


Walter sold a piece of land he inherited from his grandparents and started a business with the proceeds.Which of the following sources has Walter used to raise funds for his business?

A) Equity financing
B) Debt financing
C) Venture capital
D) Initial public offering
E) Angel investment

On Jul 05, 2024



The bona fide occupational qualification (BFOQ)defense allows an employer to discriminate in hiring on the basis of sex,religion,or national origin when doing so is necessary for the performance of the job.

On Jul 04, 2024



If Isaiah claims he was acting on Lila's information which he believed to be public knowledge, which defense could he claim?

A) Duress.
B) Entrapment.
C) Mistake-of-fact.
D) The Fifth Amendment.
E) Nolo contendere.

On Jun 05, 2024



Negative reinforcement and punishment are often confused.Differentiate the two and describe the desired outcome of each.

On Jun 04, 2024

Punishment occurs when an unpleasant event follows a behavior and decreases its frequency.A punishment may include a specific antecedent that cues the employee that a consequence (punisher)will follow a specific behavior.Punishment decreases the frequency of an undesired behavior.To qualify as a punisher,an event must decrease the undesirable behavior.
Negative reinforcement refers to an unpleasant event that precedes the behavior and is removed when the desired behavior occurs.Negative reinforcement increases the likelihood that the desired behavior will occur.Negative reinforcement is sometimes confused with punishment because both use unpleasant events to influence behavior.Negative reinforcement is used to increase the frequency of a desired behavior.Managers and team members frequently use negative reinforcement when an employee hasn't done something that is necessary or desired.


When there is more than one product in inventory:

A) only one inventory record is used to track both inventory items.
B) a new inventory record tracks each individual product.
C) the inventory ledger is not updated.
D) the Accounts Payable will be less than the subsidiary ledger.

On May 06, 2024



Which of the following is not a measure of a queue's performance?

A) average time spent in queue
B) average queue length
C) probability that service facility will be idle
D) utilization
E) All of the above are performance measures.

On May 05, 2024