


Which of the following groups has the highest percentage of type A blood?​ ​

A) ​Mapuche Indians of Argentina
B) ​Chippewa Indians of the United States
C) ​Maya Indians of Mexico
D) ​Saami (Laplanders) of Finland

On Jul 25, 2024



Palm reading is the divination technique of:​

A) ​necromancy
B) ​chiromancy
C) ​geomancy
D) ​paramancy

On Jul 19, 2024



The action theory of state development was meant to address some of the deficiencies inherent in the hydraulic theory.​

On Jun 24, 2024



​Which of the following statements about potlatch is not correct?

A) ​It is a form of conspicuous consumption.
B) ​It was hosted by chiefs who had built up huge displays of surplus.
C) ​It was ecologically adaptive in an area of alternating scarcity and abundance.
D) ​It was a form of extreme religious economics.

On Jun 19, 2024



Sister chromatids are when two copies of the original chromosome are joined in the shape of a(n) __________.​

On Jun 14, 2024



Which of the following groups is facing the most critical cultural crisis at this time of the nation-state due to environmental change?​

A) ​loggers in the Pacific Northwest, United States
B) ​nomadic herders in the Sahara, Africa
C) ​miners in Bolivia and Chile
D) ​stock market analysts in London, England

On May 25, 2024



Material items found in burials are called ________________.​

On May 15, 2024

​grave goods


Discuss the consistent characteristics that Jews share, including history and psychological structure.

On May 11, 2024

Jews share a number of consistent characteristics, including a shared history and a unique psychological structure.

One consistent characteristic that Jews share is their history of persecution and resilience. Throughout history, Jews have faced discrimination, expulsion, and violence, yet they have managed to maintain their identity and culture. This shared history has created a strong sense of community and solidarity among Jews, as well as a deep connection to their heritage and traditions.

Another consistent characteristic is the emphasis on education and intellectual achievement within Jewish culture. From a young age, Jewish children are encouraged to pursue knowledge and critical thinking, and there is a strong emphasis on the value of learning and scholarship within Jewish communities. This emphasis on education has contributed to the success and achievements of many Jewish individuals in various fields.

In terms of psychological structure, Jews often exhibit a strong sense of identity and belonging to their community. This is partly due to the historical experiences of persecution and the need to stick together for survival. Additionally, there is often a strong emphasis on family and community ties within Jewish culture, leading to a sense of interconnectedness and support among Jews.

Furthermore, Jews often exhibit a strong sense of social justice and a commitment to making the world a better place. This is rooted in the Jewish concept of tikkun olam, or repairing the world, which emphasizes the importance of social responsibility and ethical behavior. Many Jews are actively involved in social and political causes, advocating for justice and equality for all.

Overall, the consistent characteristics that Jews share, including their history and psychological structure, have contributed to a strong sense of identity, resilience, and commitment to making a positive impact on the world.


Compared to Paleolithic and Mesolithic peoples, those in the Neolithic:​

A) ​had more evidence of osteoarthritis
B) ​had more robust bones
C) ​generally show less wear on the teeth
D) ​show more evidence of mechanical stress on the body

On May 08, 2024



How can we best characterize the physical differences between humans and apes?​

A) ​differences of degree
B) ​differences of kind
C) ​differences of size
D) ​differences of definition

On May 05, 2024