


Explain the spoils system.

On Jul 18, 2024

Students' answers may vary.
The spoils system is the awarding of political jobs to political supporters and friends.Jackson's successors turned out large numbers of officeholders and replaced them with supporters.Under this spoils system, the victor in each presidential election considered federal employment mostly as an opportunity for political patronage.The nineteenth-century spoils system allowed ordinary people, through their work in a political party, to achieve government positions previously reserved for elites.But the periodic shuffling of civil servants made for inefficient administration, and the close ties of civil servants to local party machines opened the door to corruption.


In addition to pressuring members of Congress to vote a certain way on a bill,interest groups
Also have substantial influence in

A) setting the legislative agenda.
B) getting senators to filibuster debates on bills they oppose.
C) determining whether a member of Congress will run for reelection.
D) deciding committee assignments for members of Congress.

On Jun 25, 2024



Which research technique must researchers be sure to employ to corroborate data obtained unobtrusively?

A) Science of garbology
B) Covert observations
C) Triangulation
D) Coding

On Jun 18, 2024



Political parties hold primary elections or caucuses in order to

A) take nominations for leadership positions within the party.
B) vote on the party's platform.
C) select a single candidate to represent the party in the general election.
D) raise money to spend on the party's preselected candidate for the general election.

On Jun 12, 2024



The First Amendment protects religious freedoms in two different ways.What are the free exercise clause and the establishment clause,and how do they differ from each other? Describe some recent controversies surrounding the maintenance of a "wall of separation" between church and state and how they have been addressed by the Supreme Court.What are some recent controversies involving the free exercise of religion,and how have they been addressed by the Supreme Court?

On Jun 06, 2024

There are three components to this question.
a.Defining free exercise and the establishment clause: The establishment clause says that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion." This means that a "wall of separation" exists between church and state.The free exercise clause protects a citizen's right to believe and practice whatever religion he or she chooses.
b.Recent controversies regarding the "wall of separation": Controversies include school prayer (where the Court has consistently struck down practices such as Bible reading,nondenominational prayer,a moment of silence for meditation,and pregame prayer at public sporting events)and public displays of religious symbols (where the Court's rulings have been inconclusive).
c.Recent controversies involving free exercise of religion: The Supreme Court has been fairly consistent and strict in protecting the free exercise of religious belief.In recent years,the principle of free exercise has been bolstered by rulings and statutes prohibiting religious discrimination by public and private entities in a variety of realms including hiring (EEOC v.Abercrombie & Fitch Stores,Inc. ),land use,and the treatment of prison inmates (Holt v.Hobbs).


Whites and African Americans differ the most on issues that

A) involve segregation at the workplace.
B) involve support for groups like the Ku Klux Klan.
C) attempt to reduce economic inequalities.
D) distinguish between school and neighborhood integration.

On Jun 03, 2024



A person,agency,or interest group not directly a party to a case but with an interest in its
Outcome may file a(n) ________ brief.

A) Certiorari
B) per curiam
C) amicus curiae
D) standing

On May 29, 2024



The ________ provides candidates for the same political office equal opportunities to
Communicate their messages.

A) equal time rule
B) Fairness Doctrine
C) Diversity in Media Doctrine
D) Communications Decency Act

On May 26, 2024



Because there is no provision for long-term care in the United States,________ has become
The de facto program financing nursing home residents when they have exhausted their savings.

A) Social Security
B) Medicare
C) Medicaid
D) the Affordable Care Act

On May 18, 2024



A __________ works to draw out feelings and ideas of the member of the focus group

A) interviewer
B) informant
C) moderator
D) interested listener

On May 10, 2024