bhargavi tulasi uppuluri




In which country are people most likely to convey visible facial expressions of their inner feelings?

A) China
B) Australia
C) Japan
D) India

On Jul 11, 2024



What are some contributors to children being overweight?

A) Eating out more often with increased calorie consumption
B) Increased time in front of the television and computer
C) Less activity and less engagement in sports and physical play
D) All of these

On Jul 09, 2024



Jarod has fairly high self-efficacy regarding his academic performance.As a result of his self-efficacy,what is likely to also be true of Jarod

A)  He is able to cope with exam stress well.
B)  He is likely to help others with studying. 
C)  He is very neurotic.
D)  He is very intelligent.

On Jun 11, 2024



Discuss the factors contributing to eating disorders in American adolescents.

On Jun 09, 2024

Answers will vary. The American ideal has slimmed down to where most American females of normal weight are dissatisfied with the size and shape of their bodies. In the section on cognitive development, we will see that adolescents also tend to think that others are paying a great deal of attention to their appearance. Because of cultural emphasis on slimness and the psychology of the adolescent, they are highly vulnerable to eating disorders, which are characterized by gross disturbances in patterns of eating. A particularly disturbing risk factor for eating disorders in adolescent females is a history of child abuse, particularly sexual abuse, although the numbers of eating disorders that are reported as attributable to abuse and neglect are variable. Certainly young women have a very slender social ideal set before them in women such as runway models. As the cultural ideal slenderizes, women with normal body weight, according to health charts, feel fat, and heavy women feel huge. Eating disorders tend to run in families, which raises the possibility of genetic involvement. Genetic factors would not directly cause eating disorders, but might involve obsessionistic and perfectionistic personality traits.


Behaviorism,according to __________,perceives human beings as well-ordered machines.

A) Skinner
B) Watson
C) Jung
D) Freud

On May 11, 2024



The fact that people with pure autonomic failure generally report feeling little or no emotion tends to support the

A) Gestalt theory.
B) gate theory.
C) James-Lange theory.
D) trichromatic theory.

On May 10, 2024