


Which of the following is a method to contain the costs of benefits?

A) making contribution changes, such as deductibles
B) eliminating benefit caps
C) increasing benefits coverage
D) making cuts to mandatory benefits

On Jul 29, 2024



Hypothetically,the decision-making steps involved in the team leadership model could be done by any member of the team.Under what conditions would a team need to have more than just the leader monitoring and intervening?

On Jul 26, 2024

Ideally a team would have skilled members,all of whom could monitor the group's actions at all times.Any member might see a problem that needs to be addressed and decide to take an action.Such shared leadership would be particularly helpful in a team that has internal task and relational problems as well as external problems.The team leader might not be able to address all of the problems simultaneously.For example,team members might intervene internally to improve interpersonal problems while the leader focuses on intervening on the task issue.And together the leader and members could focus on dealing with the external problems.Team leaders do not always accurately diagnose team problems,and having team members also monitoring and taking requisite action can lead to greater effectiveness.


A decrease in the direct rate of US$1 to A$# results in:

A) an exchange loss.
B) a decrease in A$ amount for a payable in US$.
C) an increase in A$ amount for receivable in US$.
D) an increase in US$ amount for a payable in A$.

On Jun 29, 2024



Which of the following are considered the main types of conflicts encountered by public managers?

A) intrapersonal, interpersonal, intergroup, and intragroup
B) intrapersonal, interpersonal, intergroup, and team conflict
C) intrapersonal, interpersonal, team conflict, and generational conflict
D) interpersonal, intergroup, team conflict, and generational conflict

On Jun 26, 2024



a. Under the Code, when can an injured party seek the remedy of specific performance?
b. How does this rule differ from the common law?
c. Compare the remedies of replevin and specific performance. How are they alike? How are they different?

On May 30, 2024

a. The Code seeks to further a more liberal attitude toward the availability of specific performance. It does not expressly require the remedy at law to be inadequate. Instead, the Code states that specific performance may be granted "where the goods are unique or in other proper circumstances."
b. At common law, specific performance is available only if the legal remedies are inadequate. For example, where the contract is for the purchase of a unique item such as a work of art or an heirloom, money damages are inadequate and a court will require the party in breach to perform according to the contractual terms.
c. Replevin is a legal remedy, whereas specific performance is an equitable one. The two are similar in that they both result in a court order directing that the goods be turned over to the aggrieved party. Replevin does not require that the goods be unique. It is frequently used in cases involving a security interest where the debtor has defaulted on the loan agreement and refuses to turn over the goods to the holder of the security interest.


Assume that you and your professor use MBO to establish objectives for your performance in a course and to monitor your progress on achieving those objectives. Explain how the MBO process could work in this situation. What types of objectives would be set? How would objective attainment be assessed?

On May 27, 2024

Management by objectives (MBO) is a structured process of regular communication in which a supervisor/team leader and subordinates/team members jointly set performance objectives for the subordinate/team members and review results that are accomplished. MBO involves a formal agreement between a supervisor/team leader and subordinates/team members concerning:
The subordinates'/team members' performance objectives for a given time period.
The plans through which they will be accomplished.
Standards for measuring whether goals / results have been accomplished.
Procedures for reviewing results.
The MBO process follows the following steps:
The supervisor/team leader and subordinates/team members jointly set objectives, establish standards, and choose actions.
The subordinates/team members act individually to perform the agreed-upon tasks; and the supervisor/team leader acts individually to provide necessary support.
The supervisor/team leader and subordinates/team members jointly review results, discuss implications, and renew the MBO cycle.
The students should use the preceding material to guide their discussion of how an MOB contract might be established and administered between a student and a professor. Additionally, the students should use the concepts of improvement objectives, personal development objectives, and maintenance objectives in discussing the objectives to be set. Discussion should also focus on appropriate means for assessing the objectives that the students set.


The concept of reverse innovation got its start as global firms moved away from viewing innovation as a "home market" activity that creates new products and services for distribution to "foreign markets."

On Apr 30, 2024



Pete's expected utility function is pc1/21  (1  p) c1/22, where p is the probability that he consumes c1 and 1  p is the probability that he consumes c2.Pete is offered a choice between getting a sure payment of $Z or a lottery in which he receives $1,600 with probability .80 or $14,400 with probability .20.Pete will choose the sure payment if

A) Z  3,136 and the lottery if Z  3,136.
B) Z  8,768 and the lottery if Z  8,768.
C) Z  14,400 and the lottery if Z  14,400.
D) Z  2,368 and the lottery if Z  2,368.
E) Z  4,160 and the lottery if Z  4,160.

On Apr 27, 2024