


Explain how a firm in a competitive market identifies the profit-maximizing level of production. When should the firm raise production, and when should the firm lower production?

On Jul 16, 2024

The firm selects the level of output at which marginal revenue is equal to marginal cost. If MR > MC, profit will increase if the firm increases Q. If MR < MC, profit will increase if the firm decreases Q.


With regard to the law of tort, which of the following is false?

A) A negligent person causing physical injury to another is responsible to the full extent of the injury suffered, even though the injured person suffered more than would reasonably be expected because of a special weakness.
B) An act must be intentional to be classified as a tort.
C) Although a person was not careless and intended no harm, he could still be sued successfully by someone harmed by a dangerous substance that escaped from his property.
D) Although a signed consent form appears to be a defence to a claim of battery, the court will look to see if it was informed consent, that is, if the person was told all the relevant facts that would allow a reasonable person to make a decision.
E) If the court finds the plaintiff contributorily negligent, causing 20% of his loss, he must suffer that portion of the loss and will not be compensated for it by the defendant.

On Jul 15, 2024



Dan drew a $100 check on ABC Bank payable "to the order of Peg Buncy." Peg cashed the check at National Bank. National Bank is an agent of Peg until the drawee bank pays the check.

On Jun 16, 2024



At an interest rate of 10% and using the Rule of 72, how long will it take to double the value of a lump sum invested today? How long will it take after that until the account grows to four times the initial investment? Given the power of compounding, shouldn't it take less time for the money to double the second time?

On Jun 15, 2024

It will take 7.2 years to double the initial investment, then another 7.2 years to double it again. That is, it takes 14.4 years for the value to reach four times the initial investment. Compounding doesn't affect the amount of time it takes for an investment to double the second time, but note that during the first 7.2 years, the interest earned is equal to 100% of the initial investment. During the second 7.2 years, the interest earned is equal to 200% of the initial investment. That is the power of compounding.


The ________ is the one who consigns the merchandise.

On May 17, 2024



An Asian call option gives its holder the right to ________.

A) buy the underlying asset at the exercise price on or before the expiration date
B) buy the underlying asset at a price determined by the average stock price during some specified portion of the option's life
C) sell the underlying asset at the exercise price on or before the expiration date
D) sell the underlying asset at a price determined by the average stock price during some specified portion of the option's life

On May 16, 2024