


Which of the following countries was one of the very first to link its national student body to the Internet?

A) China
B) France
C) Canada
D) Russia

On Jul 30, 2024



What do we call the liberal twentieth-century movement that promotes equality between genders and is known for social activism?

A) integrationism
B) reconstructionism
C) deconstructionism
D) reformation

On Jul 27, 2024



The increased use of Facebook, Twitter, and other social media by terrorist organizations in other countries to recruit new members is an example of cultural diffusion for which reason?

A) Twitter and Facebook were originally products of the Western world that have been adopted by people in other countries.
B) Terrorist organizations are having a more difficult time spreading their message.
C) White nationalist groups are most adept at using these technologies.
D) Since the movements are online, they are easy to trace and stop.

On Jul 23, 2024



The textbook outlines three main modes of interaction: domination, competition, and cooperation. Explain each, addressing efficiency, characteristic emotion, and level of inequality in the interaction.

On Jul 18, 2024

Domination is a mode of interaction where one party exerts power and control over another. This can lead to efficient decision-making and action, as the dominant party's authority is unquestioned. The characteristic emotion in domination is often fear or submission, as the dominated party may feel powerless and oppressed. This mode of interaction typically results in a high level of inequality, as the dominant party holds all the power and resources.

Competition is a mode of interaction where parties strive to outperform each other in order to achieve a goal or gain a reward. This can lead to efficiency in terms of driving individuals or groups to improve and innovate. The characteristic emotion in competition is often a mix of excitement and anxiety, as participants are motivated to succeed but also feel pressure to outdo others. This mode of interaction can result in varying levels of inequality, as some may emerge as winners while others may experience loss.

Cooperation is a mode of interaction where parties work together towards a common goal, often through sharing resources and responsibilities. This can lead to efficiency through the pooling of skills and resources. The characteristic emotion in cooperation is often trust and camaraderie, as participants work towards a shared purpose. This mode of interaction typically results in a lower level of inequality, as parties work together to achieve mutual benefit.


Larry and Kris are commonly seen standing close together, almost but not quite touching. As seen through North American eyes, what is their relationship most likely to be?

A) lovers
B) friends
C) acquaintances
D) strangers

On Jun 30, 2024



One reason why Church leaders failed to dismiss offending priests from their jobs is

A) a lack of trust in the verifiability of children's testimonies.
B) a belief that the behavior was not sinful.
C) a fear that women and married men would have to become priests.
D) the church's culture of secrecy and forgiveness.

On Jun 27, 2024



Medicalization refers to

A) the process of developing new drugs to treat a given illness.
B) treatment offered by medical doctors.
C) the process of defining a condition or behavior as an illness.
D) the growing number of doctors in the United States.
E) the idea that the body is more than a mere machine or factory.

On Jun 23, 2024



How did class inequality affect population growth in South Korea?

On Jun 18, 2024

Class inequality in South Korea has had a significant impact on population growth. Historically, the country has experienced rapid industrialization and economic growth, leading to a widening gap between the wealthy and the poor. This has resulted in disparities in access to education, healthcare, and economic opportunities, which in turn has affected population growth.

The wealthy elite have had better access to quality education and healthcare, leading to higher life expectancies and lower infant mortality rates. On the other hand, the lower classes have faced greater challenges in accessing these essential services, leading to higher mortality rates and lower life expectancies. This has contributed to a slower population growth rate among the lower classes.

Additionally, class inequality has also affected family planning and fertility rates. Wealthier families have had more resources to plan and control their family size, leading to lower fertility rates. In contrast, lower-income families have faced greater economic pressures and have had less access to family planning resources, resulting in higher fertility rates.

Overall, class inequality in South Korea has contributed to disparities in population growth, with the wealthy experiencing slower population growth and the lower classes experiencing higher population growth. Addressing these inequalities through policies that promote equal access to education, healthcare, and economic opportunities is crucial for achieving more balanced population growth in the country.


All of the following are popular myths about prostitution,EXCEPT that

A) women become prostitutes because they are nymphomaniacs.
B) all prostitutes are sexually frigid.
C) it is not the oldest profession in the world.
D) most prostitutes are involved with drugs.

On May 30, 2024



What kind of system is in place when political power is concentrated into the hands of a few and when most of the public is relatively politically powerless?

A) a state-centred system
B) an elite system
C) a pluralist system
D) a power resource system

On May 27, 2024