harshwardhan asopa




Which of these scenarios would be considered part of the backchannel?

A) A presenter uploading his presentation, after he has presented it, on the company wikipage
B) The presenter requesting his audience email their comments to him after the presentation
C) Audience members texting each other during a presentation
D) A presenter using the Internet during his presentation

On Jul 26, 2024



Coasters,Inc.notifies Big Box that it does not intend to perform under their contract.Which of the following statements is false?

A) Big Box may suspend its performance.
B) Big Box must wait for performance for a reasonable time.
C) Big Box only needs to await for performance for a reasonable time,if it chooses to wait.
D) Big Box may sue for damages for breach of contract.

On Jul 23, 2024



Joe worked for Sam in Sam's Manufacturing Plant as a supervisor for five years, and for five years prior to that had been foreman. Because of a reorganization, the position of supervisor was eliminated and Joe was reassigned to his old job as night foreman. He refused to take it and sued for wrongful dismissal. What would be the outcome?

On Jun 26, 2024

This is an example of constructive dismissal, and Joe would have been entitled to reasonable notice. Joe will likely be successful in his wrongful dismissal action.


The total burden of the tax is

A) the revenue collected from the tax minus the excess burden created by the tax.
B) the excess burden created by the tax minus the revenue collected from the tax.
C) the sum of the revenue collected by the tax and the excess burden created by the tax.
D) the ratio of the revenue collected and the excess burden created by the tax.

On Jun 23, 2024



Neurological studies suggest that pain associated with exclusion is psychological only,and it does not influence the brain the same way physical pain does.

On May 27, 2024



How do managers kill creativity at the workplace?

On May 24, 2024

Managers are often notorious creativity killers. Many managers have a vocabulary of killer phrases that are designed to stop creative thoughts even before they start. Some common ones are: "It's not in the budget," "Top management won't go for it," "We could never sell it to the stockholders," and "We tried that last year."