henrietta kissiedu




What was the last state to break the connection between the state and religion?

A) New York
B) Connecticut
C) Rhode Island
D) Massachusetts

On Jul 03, 2024



What made canals a popular transportation alternative?

A) They were cheap to build.
B) They required little manpower
C) American engineers were well-educated in canal building.
D) They connected inland waterways to larger transportation systems.

On Jun 30, 2024



In South Carolina,

A) the slave population was the smallest of all the southern colonies.
B) sugar and tobacco were the main crops.
C) most enslaved people did field work under the task system, whereby individual slaves were assigned daily tasks.
D) rice plantations were generally much smaller than Virginia tobacco plantations.
E) slaveowners were generally much less wealthy than slaveowners in other southern colonies.

On Jun 03, 2024



Patriotism during World War I meant support for the government, the war, and the American economic system.

On May 31, 2024



Prince Easterbrook,Caesar Brown,Alexander Ames,and Prince Hall were all black soldiers from which state?

A) Virginia
B) New York
C) Massachusetts
D) Pennsylvania

On May 04, 2024



Alexander Hamilton advocated assumption of state debts, creation of the Bank of the United States, enactment of protective tariffs, and enactment of an excise tax on whiskey. Discuss the political, social, and economic concepts on which Hamilton's proposals were based, and explain what each proposal was designed to achieve. Were the proposals enacted into law? Why?

On May 01, 2024

Alexander Hamilton's proposals were based on several political, social, and economic concepts.

Politically, Hamilton believed in a strong central government and wanted to establish its authority over the states. He saw assumption of state debts as a way to strengthen the federal government's financial position and establish its creditworthiness. The creation of the Bank of the United States was also a way to centralize financial power and establish a national currency.

Socially, Hamilton's proposals were based on the idea of promoting economic development and industrialization. He believed that protective tariffs would help to protect and promote American industry, while the excise tax on whiskey was designed to raise revenue for the federal government and discourage excessive consumption of alcohol.

Economically, Hamilton's proposals were based on the principles of mercantilism, which emphasized the importance of a strong, self-sufficient economy. He believed that the government should actively intervene in the economy to promote growth and development.

Each of Hamilton's proposals was designed to achieve specific goals. Assumption of state debts was intended to strengthen the federal government's financial position and establish its creditworthiness. The creation of the Bank of the United States was designed to provide a stable national currency and promote economic development. Protective tariffs were intended to protect and promote American industry, while the excise tax on whiskey was designed to raise revenue for the federal government and discourage excessive consumption of alcohol.

All of Hamilton's proposals were enacted into law. They were supported by the Federalist Party, which held a majority in Congress at the time. The proposals were seen as necessary for the economic development and stability of the new nation, and were therefore enacted into law despite opposition from the Democratic-Republican Party. Additionally, Hamilton's close relationship with President George Washington helped to ensure the passage of his proposals.