


Melissa has just completed running a marathon. She is so elated that she feels little fatigue or discomfort. Her lack of pain is probably the result of the release of

A) ACh.
B) endorphins.
C) dopamine.
D) norepinephrine.

On Jul 23, 2024



Maranda tells you that her 12-year-old cousin recently completed an intelligence test that translated raw scores into deviation IQ scores.Maranda knows that his score was 75,but she is not sure what this means.What can you tell Maranda about her cousin's performance

A)  He answered 75 percent of the questions correctly on the test. 
B)  He is at the 75th percentile for intelligence. 
C)  He scored below the mean for 12-year-olds. 
D)  He scored at the mean for the average 9-year-old.

On Jul 21, 2024



At which stage of development did Freud believe that girls experience the Electra complex?

A) oral stage
B) phallic stage
C) genital stage
D) latency stage
E) anal stage

On Jun 23, 2024



What are glia cells? What functions do they serve?

On Jun 21, 2024

Glia cells are found throughout the nervous system and account for over 50% of the brain's volume. They provide various types of support for the neuron including providing nourishment to neurons, helping to remove waste products and providing insulation around the axons. It also has been suggested that glia also play a role in orchestrating the development of the nervous system in the human embryo. More recently it has been suggested that in addition to their support roles some type of glia may also detect neural impulses and send and receive chemical signals.


Describe the factors that contribute to high-quality child care.

On May 23, 2024

A good answer would include the following key points:
-The care providers are well trained,preferably with bachelor's degrees.
-The child-care center has an appropriate overall size and ratio of care providers to children.Single groups should not have more than 14 to 20 children,and there should be no more than 5 to 10 3-year-olds per caregiver,or 7 to 10 4- or 5-year-olds per caregiver.
-The child-teacher ratio should be 10:1 or better.
-The curriculum of a child-care facility is not left to chance but is carefully planned out and coordinated among the teachers.
-The language environment is rich,with a great deal of conversation.
-The caregivers are sensitive to children's emotional and social needs,and they know when and when not to intervene.
-Materials and activities are age appropriate.
-Basic health and safety standards are followed.
-Children should be screened for vision,hearing,and health problems.
-At least one meal a day should be served.
-The facility should provide at least one family support service.


Based on Lenksi's classification system of subsistence patterns through time,discuss which types of economies had the least social inequality,which had the most,and why.

On May 22, 2024

Hunting and gathering economies had the least social inequality because people had few possessions and lived in small,mobile groups that followed whatever food resources were available.As such,there was little accumulation of wealth.Survival was the prime focus;everyone knew what was expected of them,and what people did was closely connected to how they lived.People had to work together for the survival of the clan and family.Agricultural or agrarian economies had the greatest social inequality,because technology allowed surpluses to exist,which were controlled by a few wealthy families,while everyone else remained poor because they did not own land and either worked on the land for the wealthy landowners or in the cities for the wealthy factory owners.Students may also argue that pastoralism had a high degree of social inequality because of the accumulation of wealth through animals and land.