


Critics of ________ have expressed a concern that appropriate patient behaviors will disappear following the discontinuation of a token economy.

A) cognitive therapy
B) transference
C) behavior modification
D) unconditional positive regard

On Jul 18, 2024



Liza has an anxiety disorder. She is currently seeing a therapist who believes that anxiety disorders are a result of illogical, irrational thought processes. Liza is probably seeking treatment from a _____________.

A) behavioral psychologist
B) cognitive psychologist
C) psychoanalyst
D) psychologist with a biological perspective

On Jul 12, 2024



Peter dreams of arguing with a larger-than-life faceless authority figure.If you interpret Peter's dream as his attempt to decide how to discuss a problem with his father,what theory are you using

A)  activation-synthesis theory 
B)  problem-solving theory 
C)  wish-fulfillment theory 
D)  neural-overflow theory

On Jun 12, 2024



If heavy drinking follows a period of moderate drinking,people may poison themselves with an overdose because the moderate drinking

A) stimulates their secretion of serotonin.
B) reduces their body's level of free radicals.
C) depresses their vomiting response.
D) increases their inhibitions.

On Jun 09, 2024



In one study, research participants were shown a luminous rectangular frame in an otherwise darkened room. Inside the frame was a luminous dot. The rectangle moved to the right while the dot stayed stationary. But the subjects "saw" the dot moving to the left, in a direction opposite that of the frame's motion. This result confirms the idea that __________.

A) the object that encloses the other acts as a frame, which is seen as stationary
B) smaller objects are seen to move more readily than are larger objects
C) there can be no induced motion of the self
D) all of the above answers are correct

On May 11, 2024



What is the primary task of the therapist, according to May? Find an example that illustrates it in the case.

On May 08, 2024

The therapist should help the client expand his/her consciousness according to May.The role of the therapist is to help the client become aware of their potentials and act on them.In this case, the client helps Camille become aware of her inadequate relationship with her parents, that it is possible for her to date, and possibly marry and have children.The therapist also helps Camille to act on this knowledge by providing suggestions on how to meet people and supporting those decisions.