


A woman wears perfume, and dresses with ruffles, a soft hairstyle, and makeup. These feminine characteristics are primarily determined by which of the following nonanatomical factors?

A) nature
B) hormones
C) culture
D) chromosomes

On Jul 18, 2024



Which illustrates tertiary prevention for child maltreatment?

A) identifying a parent in a stressful situation and providing resources to assist him or her
B) offering free parenting classes to high-risk populations
C) providing psychotherapy to a someone who has been abused
D) building Boys and Girls Clubs in low-income neighborhoods

On Jul 11, 2024



What secondary sex characteristic developments are common to boys and girls, and which characteristics are unique to each gender?

On Jun 13, 2024

Secondary sex characteristics are physical changes that occur during puberty as a result of hormonal changes. Both boys and girls experience some common secondary sex characteristic developments, such as the growth of pubic and underarm hair, increased body odor, and changes in skin texture. However, there are also unique developments for each gender.

Common developments for both boys and girls include the growth of facial and body hair, changes in voice pitch, and an increase in sweat gland activity. These changes are all a result of increased levels of testosterone in boys and estrogen in girls.

Unique developments for boys include the growth of the Adam's apple, increased muscle mass, and the deepening of the voice. These changes are all a result of the increased levels of testosterone during puberty.

Unique developments for girls include the growth of breasts, widening of the hips, and the onset of menstruation. These changes are all a result of the increased levels of estrogen during puberty.

Overall, while there are some common secondary sex characteristic developments for both boys and girls, there are also unique changes that occur as a result of the specific hormones present in each gender.


Which of the following statements is false regarding female sexual interest/arousal disorder?

A) It may be one of the least understood of all sexual dysfunctions.
B) There is a low correlation between subjective arousal and genital response.
C) Arousal is measured directly by the lubrication and vasocongestion of the genital area.
D) Women with this disorder want to become aroused, but are unable to.
E) Underdiagnosis appears common.

On Jun 10, 2024



______ views of concepts involve matching or comparing features,while ______ views of concepts involve an understanding of real-world mechanisms.

A) Constructionist;ecological
B) Ecological;constructionist
C) Explanation-based;similarity-based
D) Similarity-based;explanation-based

On May 13, 2024



In the context of aggression, which of the following is a perspective of cognitive psychologists?

A) Cognitive psychologists believe that aggression is a natural and instinctive reaction to the frustrations of daily life.
B) Cognitive psychologists believe aggressive behavior is not influenced by choice.
C) People decide whether they will lash out or not on the basis of their interpretation of the other person's motives.
D) People who believe that a particular war or act of aggression is unjust, or who oppose aggression under all circumstances, are more likely to behave aggressively.

On May 10, 2024