


In a study in which college students are pampered (given large amounts of money, subscription television services, and spicy Chinese food) to see whether this treatment will improve their scores in their psychology course, what is the independent variable?

A) whether students were pampered or not
B) students' scores on the next psychology midterm
C) students' previous scores (or baseline) on psychology midterms
D) students' scores on the next midterm minus the baseline score

On Jul 18, 2024



The technique in which sexual partners use a graded set of sexual exercises to explore each other's body, but without engaging in intercourse or focusing on achieving orgasm, is called _____ focus.

On Jul 14, 2024



What are the challenges to an effective interview for an older adult diagnosed with SUD?

On Jun 16, 2024

Older people may under-report their substance misuse due to perceived stigma. Ageism may distract clinicians from signs of substance misuse, such as low energy and mood changes, which may instead be misattributed to general physical illness or depression. Stereotyping may blind detection of symptoms, for instance, ignoring substance use in older women due to the misnomer that substance use is an uncommon occurrence for this population. In addition, when performing an interview, it is crucial to identify the psychosocial factors that may make substance misuse more likely in older adults, for instance, issues such as bereavement, retirement, or physical immobility. SAMHSA (2011) also highlighted the complexities in assessing older adult SUDs and related psychiatric conditions such as major and mild depression and dysthymia. For example, older adults may demonstrate depression-like symptoms such as hopelessness, worry, and loss of interest in tasks deemed once pleasurable. Furthermore, there are no established older adult DSM diagnostic guidelines .
The SMAST-G identifies problems common for older adults, such as drinking after a significant loss. Other alcohol measures designed specifically for the older adult population include an adaptation of the AUDIT (SAMHSA, 2001), with sensitivity and specificity shown for a cutoff score of 5 for older men and 3 for older women.


Researchers use randomized clinical trials to determine the effectiveness and safety of therapeutic treatments.Which of these is the key element in this kind of research?

A) include the treatment in a group of randomly chosen treatments and apply all of them to participants
B) compare the treatment one group gets with a control group condition to see if there is any difference
C) perform the treatment trials in a clinical setting
D) Researchers experience the treatment before actual clients or patients to ensure safety.

On Jun 13, 2024



Cultural expectations about what is appropriate for each gender are called stereotypes.

On May 16, 2024



Ethology is:

A) the study of the psychology of ethics.
B) the study of animals in their natural habitat to see how their behaviors aid their adaptation to that environment.
C) the study of races and ethnic groups.
D) the study of efficient work methods in industry.

On May 13, 2024