katherine quintanilla




Friendships tend to become more ethnically diverse starting at which point?

A) elementary school
B) vocational training
C) college life
D) work entry

On Jul 29, 2024



Dan has a body mass index of 31.Which category describes Dan

A)  underweight
B)  normal weight 
C)  overweight
D)  obese

On Jul 25, 2024



Describe the functions of the brain and the spinal cord. How are these functions similar? How are these functions dissimilar?

On Jun 29, 2024

The brain and the spinal cord are both part of the central nervous system and have important functions in controlling and coordinating the body's activities.

The brain is responsible for a wide range of functions including processing sensory information, controlling movement, regulating emotions and behavior, and maintaining homeostasis. It also plays a crucial role in higher cognitive functions such as thinking, learning, and memory.

The spinal cord, on the other hand, serves as a pathway for nerve signals traveling to and from the brain. It also plays a role in reflex actions, such as pulling your hand away from a hot surface without having to think about it.

Both the brain and the spinal cord are involved in processing and transmitting nerve signals, and they work together to coordinate the body's responses to internal and external stimuli. They are both essential for the functioning of the nervous system and overall bodily functions.

However, there are also differences in their functions. The brain is responsible for more complex cognitive processes and higher-level functions, while the spinal cord primarily serves as a conduit for nerve signals and is more involved in reflex actions. Additionally, the brain has more specialized regions for different functions, while the spinal cord has a more limited range of functions related to transmitting nerve signals.

In summary, the brain and the spinal cord have similar functions in processing and transmitting nerve signals, coordinating bodily responses, and maintaining homeostasis. However, they also have distinct roles, with the brain being more involved in higher cognitive functions and the spinal cord primarily serving as a pathway for nerve signals.


Dependency theory is strongly consistent with

A) functionalism.
B) symbolic interactionism.
C) post-structuralism.
D) conflict theory.

On Jun 25, 2024



In between classes Marla usually sits around working on Sudoku puzzles. This is an example of __________

A) homeostasis.
B) drives.
C) stimulus motives.
D) curiosity.

On Jun 24, 2024



According to George Herbert Mead,the "me"

A) is spontaneous,creative,and unpredictable.
B) defines one's self image.
C) is a socialized element of the self.
D) assumes the position of others.

On May 26, 2024



Imagine that Paxton is dressed as Wilhelm Wundt and supports the theory of structuralism all evening.Whereas Raphael is dressed as William James and supports functionalism.They get into a few arguments.When their friend Nadav asks them if they agree on anything,how do they respond

A) "No. We are forever doomed to trying to prove each other wrong."
B) "Yes, introspection."
C) "Yes, systematic observation."
D) "Yes, stream of consciousness."

On May 25, 2024



Alyssa just won the lottery.According to the concept of the hedonic treadmill

A) Alyssa will feel maximum happiness and fulfillment for the rest of her life.
B) Alyssa will experience a short-term high from her win but her happiness will eventually return back to its set point.
C) Alyssa will selfishly spend her money in larger and larger increments.
D) Alyssa's happiness will be unaffected by her lottery win.

On May 24, 2024