


In the emergency department, a patient's vital signs are BP 66/40 mm Hg; pulse 140 beats/minute; respirations 8 breaths/minute and shallow. The nursing diagnosis is Ineffective breathing pattern related to depression of respiratory center secondary to opioid intoxication. Select the priority outcome.

A) The patient will demonstrate effective coping skills and identify community resources for treatment of substance abuse within 1 week of hospitalization.
B) Within 4 hours, vital signs will stabilize, with BP above 90/60 mm Hg, pulse less than 100 beats/minute, and respirations at or above 12 breaths/minute.
C) The patient will correctly describe a plan for home care and achieving a drug-free state before release from the emergency department.
D) Within 6 hours, the patient's breath sounds will be clear bilaterally and throughout lung fields.

On Jul 30, 2024



Mr.Wilkins is a 34-year-old paraplegic hospitalized for pneumonia.He has a history of recent surgery for appendicitis,and an incisional wound infection.He lives at home with his wife and 7-year-old twin sons.What factors place Mr.Wilkins at higher risk for sensory deprivation?

A) Paraplegia
B) Recent surgery
C) Recent wound infection
D) Home care environment

On Jul 23, 2024



While reviewing a study in a nursing journal,the nurse wants to identify the theory used.Which elements of a theory should the nurse identify in the document? Select all that apply.

A) Paradigm
B) Statements
C) Definitions
D) Phenomena
E) Assumptions

On Jun 24, 2024



During the secondary survey of the code event,the nurse realizes that the patient is not breathing on his own.What should the nurse do next?

A) Immediately intubate the patient.
B) Have a laryngoscope handle and curved blades available.
C) Ensure that the light source on the laryngoscope is functional.
D) Have a laryngoscope handle and straight blades available.

On Jun 21, 2024



What is a useful technique for clustering data?

A) Critical pathways
B) Concept mapping
C) Inferencing
D) Priority setting

On May 25, 2024



A nurse is selecting a site to insert an intravenous (IV) catheter on an adult. Which actions will the nurse take? (Select all that apply.)

A) Check for contraindications to the extremity.
B) Start proximally and move distally on the arm.
C) Choose a vein with minimal curvature.
D) Choose the patient's dominant arm.
E) Select a vein that is rigid.
F) Avoid areas of flexion.

On May 22, 2024

A, C, F