


When a single union negotiates with several companies, the employers may bargain as a group. At the local level this is called _____ bargaining.

A) coordinated
B) distributive
C) collective
D) multiemployer
E) collaborative

On Sep 28, 2024



Which of the following complicates the tasks of planning and organizing content for a website?

A) Each audience member has similar informational needs
B) Each audience member is interested in all information on the site
C) Visitors to the site access information from different entry points
D) A specific beginning,middle,and end must be developed
E) Only top-level URLs can be included

On Sep 24, 2024



What are the abilities of a person with spatial reasoning intelligence?

On Sep 22, 2024

A person who excels in this area has a knack for seeing how elements fit together in space. This type of intelligence can be expressed by building things, or by something as simple as perfecting the art of flying a hand glider. If you can picture how items will look if they are rearranged, you have this strength.