


Diagram the courts in your state court system. Give the jurisdiction of each court.

On Jun 21, 2024

Answers will vary by state and should be provided by the instructor.


Explain the three levels of oppression? Give a real-world example for each level.

On Jun 21, 2024

Personal level - negative stereotypes or prejudice, both conscious and unconscious
Cultural level - dominant groups maintaining hierarchy and imposing their culture as the superior culture
Structural level - society's laws, policies and practices, institutions, economic and political systems favour the dominant group at the expense of the non-dominant group
Remainder of answer will vary.


Which researcher did NOT use racial and ethnic categories to suggest a hierarchy in abilities and attributes?

A) Samuel Morton
B) Peter Sandiford
C) Phillippe Rushton
D) David Suzuki

On Jun 15, 2024



When performing legal research on case law, your goal should be to look for

A) cases on point.
B) cases from the lowest court in your jurisdiction.
C) similar cases.
D) cases from the highest court in your jurisdiction.
E) cases on point and cases from the highest court in your jurisdiction.

On Jun 13, 2024



The _________are the rules that control all procedural matters in civil trials brought before the federal district courts.

A) Federal Rules of Civil Procedure
B) Procedural Rules of Federal Courts
C) District Court Rules
D) Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure

On Jun 11, 2024



Content analyses of crime stories reveal what Surette (2011) terms the law of ______,because the nature of crime,criminals,and victims portrayed in the media is generally the complete opposite of the pattern shown through official crime statistics or victim surveys.

A) opposites
B) opposites attract
C) evil
D) media perception

On May 16, 2024



Mixing together a client's funds with the law firm's funds, called_________ , is one of the most common ways in which attorneys breach their professional obligations regarding client funds.

A) combining
B) commingling
C) pooled accounts
D) IOLTA accounts

On May 14, 2024



Explain how today's methods of electronic communication can pose possible violations of client confidentiality. How can a paralegal guard against this?

On May 12, 2024

Improper use of cellular phones, fax machines, and e-mails poses the potential for violating client confidentiality. Cell-phone conversations can be overheard by anyone with a scanning device, faxes can be accidentally sent to the wrong person or fax number, and e-mails can be accidentally sent to the wrong address.
Paralegals should take special care to avoid discussing confidential matters on cell phones, to confirm a fax number before sending the fax itself, to verify an e-mail recipient's name and address before sending the e-mail, and to follow office policy about when it is appropriate to send confidential information electronically and when it is not.


As a paralegal, you may

A) not represent yourself in court.
B) only represent yourself in court if a judge specifically approves it.
C) represent yourself in court.
D) represent your family members in court.

On May 10, 2024



According to Chapter 11's "In Their Shoes" feature, which action would a person in a wheelchair prefer?

A) Remember that they are very different from you and point it out to them.
B) Complement them on being independent.
C) Talk first to the attendant who may be accompanying the person rather than the person in the wheelchair, since he or she may not be able to speak.
D) If you're unsure about something, just ask rather than assuming the answer.

On May 09, 2024