magedahmed alhalmy




Given the information in the table below,find the marginal utility and the total utility.
 Price  Quantity Demanded  Marginal Utility  Total Utility $701$602$503$404$305\begin{array} { | c | c | c | c | } \hline \text { Price } & \text { Quantity Demanded } & \text { Marginal Utility } & \text { Total Utility } \\\hline \$ 70 & 1 & & \\\hline \$ 60 & 2 & & \\\hline \$ 50 & 3 & & \\\hline \$ 40 & 4 & & \\\hline \$ 30 & 5 & & \\\hline\end{array} Price $70$60$50$40$30 Quantity Demanded 12345 Marginal Utility  Total Utility 

On Jul 12, 2024

 Price  Quantity Demanded  Marginal Utility  Total Utility $701$70$70$602$60$130$503$50$180$404$40$220$305$30$250\begin{array} { | c | c | c | c | } \hline \text { Price } & \text { Quantity Demanded } & \text { Marginal Utility } & \text { Total Utility } \\\hline \$ 70 & 1 & \$ 70 & \$ 70 \\\hline \$ 60 & 2 & \$ 60 & \$ 130 \\\hline \$ 50 & 3 & \$ 50 & \$ 180 \\\hline \$ 40 & 4 & \$ 40 & \$ 220 \\\hline \$ 30 & 5 & \$ 30 & \$ 250 \\\hline\end{array} Price $70$60$50$40$30 Quantity Demanded 12345 Marginal Utility $70$60$50$40$30 Total Utility $70$130$180$220$250


If the risk-free interest rate is rf and equals the fund's benchmark, the portfolio's net asset value is S0, and the hedge fund manager incentive fee is 20% of profit beyond that, the incentive fee is equivalent to receiving ________ call(s) with exercise price ________.

A) .2; S0
B) 1; S0(1 + rf)
C) 1.2; S0
D) .2; S0(1 + rf)

On Jul 10, 2024



Discuss the steps in preparing a detailed planning outline and how to convert it to a simpler speaking outline.

On Jun 12, 2024

An outline helps you organize your message,and it serves as the foundation for delivering your speech.Prepare your outline in several stages.State your purpose and main idea and then use these elements to guide the rest of your planning.Organize your major points and sub points in logical order,expressing each major point as a single,complete sentence.Identify major points in the body first,then outline the introduction and close.Identify transitions between major points or sections,and then write these transitions in full-sentence form.Prepare your bibliography or source notes; highlight those sources you want to identify by name during your talk.Choose a compelling title.Make it brief,action oriented,and focused on what you can do for the audience.
When converting the planning outline to a speaking outline,follow these steps: Start with the planning outline and then strip away anything you don't plan to say directly to your audience.Condense points and transitions to key words or phrases.Add delivery cues,such as places where you plan to pause for emphasis or use visuals.Arrange your notes on numbered cards or use the notes capability in your presentation software.


What is the first step in the succession management process?

A) identify high-potential employees
B) identify the skills and competencies needed
C) align succession management plans with strategy
D) provide developmental opportunities and experiences

On Jun 10, 2024



__________ rely on a division of labor, hierarchical control, promotion by merit with career opportunities for employees, and administration by rule.

On May 12, 2024



Productivity in the service sector of the U.S. economy has decreased over the last decade.

On May 11, 2024



Calculate the projected fixed assets needed given the following information: current sales = $275,000; current sales capacity = 75%; current fixed assets = $40,000; projected future sales = $475,000.

A) $11,818
B) $51,818
C) $12,818
D) $52,818
E) $60,818

On May 10, 2024