


Timothy and Rojan are a same-sex couple who are raising their two boys. The outcome most likely for the boys is that they will ______.

A) grow to hate their fathers
B) be gay, just like their fathers
C) deal with mental health issues throughout most of their lives
D) have the same social development as children of heterosexual parents

On Aug 03, 2024



Which of the following is not an element of the nature argument?

A) Genes play the biggest role in human behaviour.
B) Men and women respond to the world differently due to how they are raised.
C) Evolutionary theory is used to provide support for the role of biology.
D) The fittest survive,which assures that the best and strongest genes pass from one generation to the next.

On Jul 30, 2024



Which fallacy is committed by the following argument? Chewing gum must make your arm sore, because I chewed gum all day yesterday and now my arm really hurts.

A) composition
B) post hoc
C) appeal to force
D) appeal to majority
E) false alternative

On Jul 04, 2024



Shane met his girlfriend Eloise their freshman year of college. Shane cannot imagine being with anyone else because for the first time in his life he feels completely like himself. When he's around Eloise, he feels like his real self. Shane seems to be getting in touch with this __________ self.

A) true
B) material
C) unbiased
D) divine

On Jun 30, 2024



Which sensorimotor substage involves the ability to use words and intellectual images to denote objects and actions in memory?

A) secondary circular reactions
B) primary circular reactions
C) tertiary circular reactions
D) mental representations

On Jun 03, 2024



Margaret had a stroke that damaged the right side of her brain.Yet,she has difficulty moving her left arm,not her right arm.This indicates that the

A) somatosensory cortex is responsible for phantom limb movements.
B) motor cortex on the right side of the brain controls movements of specific body parts on the right side of the body.
C) association areas of the brain control movements of all body parts.
D) motor cortex on the right side of the brain controls movements of specific body parts on the opposite side of the body.

On May 31, 2024