


All of the following were identified as common elements found in failed decisions EXCEPT for ______.

A) faulty decision practices
B) misallocation of resources
C) encouraging innovation
D) premature commitments

On Sep 28, 2024



Shopping is an activity that can be performed for either utilitarian or hedonic motives. Describe hedonic shopping motives.

On Sep 22, 2024

People often shop even though they do not necessarily intend to buy anything. Shopping is a way to acquire needed products and services, but social motives are also important. Hedonic shopping motives can include:
Social experiences-Shopping centres such as department stores or shopping malls can function as community gathering places. Many people, especially in suburban or rural areas, may have no other place to go to spend their leisure time.
Sharing common interests-Stores with specialized goods bring together people with shared interests and facilitate communication between them.
Interpersonal attraction-Malls provide natural "meeting places" with a variety of stimuli. Malls are often a hangout for teenagers. The mall represents relative safety, comfort, and convenience for groups such as the elderly.
Status-Sales personnel provide customers with a sense of importance by waiting on them.
Shopping as sport, the "thrill of the chase"-Many shoppers view knowing the marketplace as a kind of game or sport, enjoying listening to sales pitches and haggling over price.
Group pressure-We shop differently when we're part of a group. For example, people who shop with at least one other person tend to make more unplanned purchases, buy more, and cover more areas of a store than do those who browse solo.