


What percentage of legal adoptions are by relatives,usually stepparents or grandparents?

A) 20
B) 50
C) 60
D) 70

On Jul 20, 2024



In the context of infants, briefly explain overextension.

On Jul 19, 2024

Answers will vary. Young children try to talk about more objects than they have words for. To accomplish their linguistic feats, children often extend the meaning of one word to refer to things and actions for which they do not have words. This process is called overextension. Eve Clark studied diaries of infants' language development and found that overextensions are generally based on perceived similarities in function or form between the original object or action and the new one. She provides the example of the word mooi, which one child originally used to designate the moon. The child then overextended mooi to designate all round objects, including the letter o and cookies and cakes. Overextensions gradually pull back to their proper references as the child's vocabulary and ability to classify objects develop.


When does apparent movement occur?

A) Apparent movement occurs when one's head is stationary, but an object is moved in the visual field.
B) Apparent movement occurs when an object is held stationary in the visual field, but one's head is moved.
C) Apparent movement occurs when one's head and an object in the visual field are moved at somewhat different speeds.
D) Apparent movement occurs when two points of the visual field are stimulated sequentially at certain intervals.

On Jun 20, 2024



The brain structure that is most important in performing behaviors that require precise timing is called the

A) cerebellum.
B) pons.
C) amygdala.
D) thalamus.

On Jun 19, 2024



To what extent is homosexual behavior "natural"? Research indicates that it occurs ____.

A) among humans all over the world as well as among other species
B) among humans all over the world, though not among other species
C) among humans only in a few parts of the world, though also among other species
D) among humans only in a few parts of the world and not among other species

On May 20, 2024



Immediately preceding the onset of an eating disorder in a woman, one would MOST likely find that she had:

A) recently given birth.
B) gone through a period of intense criticism from her family.
C) experienced a growth spurt.
D) been successful in losing weight and had been praised by family.

On May 19, 2024