richard bartholomew




One strength of the trait approach to personality is that it

A) predicts behavior in many situations.
B) is not necessary to job counselors to do their work.
C) does not rely on intuition but instead on objective measures.
D) explains the development of personality traits.

On Jun 13, 2024



How can we apply the sociological perspective to help us consider other options to our current capitalist system?

On Jun 13, 2024

The sociological perspective allows us to see the impact of the society on the individual,and allows us to see that capitalism requires a constant level of inequality and thus creates a rigid class system that feeds our division of labour.It therefore benefits the middle and upper classes while exploiting the lower and working classes,who have no choice but to sell their labour for less than what it is worth.The sociological perspective allows us to see how other systems (socialist,communist,etc. )have a different relationship between the individual and the society,and we can compare them to capitalism to determine what other options we could consider.


If a person provides a good counterargument to your argument,you should revise your beliefs in light of this.

On May 15, 2024



It has been said that mother-blaming is like pollution-so pervasive that it often goes unnoticed. Explain this statement more fully using examples.

On May 14, 2024

Mother-blaming is a pervasive societal phenomenon that often goes unnoticed, much like pollution. Just as pollution can be found in the air we breathe and the water we drink, mother-blaming can be found in the subtle and not-so-subtle ways that society holds mothers responsible for everything from their children's behavior to societal problems.

For example, when a child misbehaves, it is often the mother who is blamed for not disciplining them properly or not being a good enough parent. This blame is often placed solely on the mother, even if there are other caregivers or external factors at play. Similarly, when societal issues such as crime or poverty arise, mothers are often blamed for not raising their children in a certain way or not providing enough support.

This pervasive mother-blaming can have damaging effects on mothers' mental health and well-being. It can lead to feelings of guilt, shame, and inadequacy, and can contribute to the already heavy burden that many mothers carry.

Just as pollution can be harmful to the environment and our health, mother-blaming can be harmful to the individuals and families affected by it. It is important for society to recognize and address this pervasive issue in order to create a more supportive and understanding environment for mothers.


After learning that Catherine is being treated with lithium carbonate, we can safely assume that she has experienced __________.

A) general paresis
B) senility
C) a manic episode
D) schizophrenia

On May 13, 2024