


Globalization has created a need for all of the following except ______.

A) leaders with greater understanding of cultural differences
B) leaders with increased competencies in cross-cultural communication
C) leaders who are able to utilize cultural superiority to manage groups
D) leaders who are able to design effective multinational organizations

On Sep 28, 2024



What are the outcomes of participative leadership and what are the facilitating conditions for participation to be translated into higher productivity?

On Sep 22, 2024

There is substantial evidence that employees who have the opportunity to participate in work-related decisions report more job satisfaction and higher task performance and organizational citizenship behaviour toward the organization than those who do not.These results are due in part to a positive effect on employee empowerment and trust in one's supervisor.However, for participation to be translated into higher productivity, certain facilitating conditions must exist.Specifically, participation should work best when employees feel favourably toward it, when they are intelligent and knowledgeable about the issue at hand, and when the task is complex enough to make participation useful.