


A spouse brings the children in to visit their mother in the hospital. The nurse asks how the family is doing. The husband states, "None of her jobs are getting done, and I don't do those jobs, so the house and the kids are falling apart." How will the nurse interpret this finding?

A) The family structure is resilient.
B) The family structure is flexible.
C) The family structure is hardy.
D) The family structure is rigid.

On Jul 17, 2024



During an internal examination of a woman's genitalia, the nurse will use which technique for proper insertion of the speculum?

A) The woman is instructed to bear down, the speculum blades are opened and applied in a swift, upward movement.
B) The woman is instructed to bear down, the width of the blades is horizontally turned, and the speculum is inserted downward at a 45-degree angle toward the small of the woman's back.
C) The blades of the speculum are inserted on a horizontal plane, turning them to a 30-degree angle while continuing to insert them. The woman is asked to bear down after the speculum is inserted.
D) The blades are locked open by turning the thumbscrew. Once the blades are open, pressure is applied to the introitus and the blades are inserted downward at a 45-degree angle to bring the cervix into view.

On Jul 13, 2024



Which patient position maximizes the nurse's ability to assess the patient's body for symmetry?

A) Sitting
B) Supine
C) Prone
D) Dorsal recumbent

On Jun 16, 2024



A confused patient with a urinary catheter,a nasogastric tube,and an intravenous line keeps touching these items,which are needed for care.The nurse has tried to explain to the patient that he should not touch them,but the patient continues.What is the best action by the nurse at this time?

A) Apply restraints loosely on the patient's dominant wrist.
B) Try other approaches to prevent the patient from touching these care items.
C) Notify the health care provider that restraints are needed immediately to maintain the patient's safety.
D) Allow the patient to pull out lines to prove that the patient needs to be restrained.

On Jun 13, 2024



While preparing a teaching plan,the nurse describes what the learner will be able to accomplish after the teaching session.Which action is the nurse completing?

A) Developing learning objectives.
B) Providing positive reinforcement.
C) Implementing interpersonal communication.
D) Presenting facts and knowledge.

On May 17, 2024



Quantitative research uses _______________ data to answer specific research questions and is analyzed using statistics.

On May 14, 2024



When evaluating the temperature of older adults, the nurse should remember which aspect about an older adult's body temperature?

A) The body temperature of the older adult is lower than that of a younger adult.
B) An older adult's body temperature is approximately the same as that of a young child.
C) Body temperature depends on the type of thermometer used.
D) In the older adult, the body temperature varies widely because of less effective heat control mechanisms.

On May 11, 2024