


The nursing student is caring for a seriously ill child on the pediatric unit.There are many family members present,including parents,aunts,and uncles.The student tells the primary nurse,"Every time I go into the room,everyone is shouting at each other,they shout at me,and they ask me the same questions over and over." What is the most appropriate response by the nurse?

A) "This is unacceptable and disruptive behavior. Let them know that if this behavior continues, we may need to call security."
B) "Families experience a range of emotions when caring for an ill member. Sometimes these are normal reactions, so you need not take it personally."
C) "There may be too many people in the room. You might consider limiting their visiting time."
D) "I believe this family is of Italian descent. Don't worry about it; it may just be their culture."

On Jul 09, 2024



A 26-year-old woman was robbed and beaten a month ago. She is returning to the clinic today for a follow-up assessment. The nurse will want to ask her which of these questions?

A) "How are things going with the trial?"
B) "How are things going with your job?"
C) "Tell me about your recent engagement!"
D) "Are you having any disturbing dreams?"

On Jul 07, 2024



A patient who experienced a myocardial infarction was transferred from critical care to a step-down unit. The patient then used the call bell every 15 minutes for minor requests and complaints. Staff nurses reported feeling inadequate and unable to satisfy the patient's needs. When the nurse manager intervenes directly with this patient, which comment is most therapeutic?

A) "I'm wondering if you are feeling anxious about your illness and being left alone."
B) "The staff are concerned that you are not satisfied with the care you are receiving."
C) "Let's talk about why you use your call light so frequently. It is a problem."
D) "You frustrate the staff by calling them so often. Why are you doing that?"

On Jun 09, 2024



What is the body's first line of defense against bacteria?

A) Intact skin
B) White blood cells
C) Lymph glands
D) Inflammatory response

On Jun 07, 2024



The best test of any nursing theory is its usefulness in professional practice.

On May 10, 2024



A patient with a Foley catheter needs a urine sample for culture and sensitivity.What is the appropriate action for the nurse to take?

A) Disconnect the drainage tube from the catheter.
B) Withdraw urine from the closed system drainage bag.
C) Empty contents of the drainage bag into the specimen cup.
D) Attach a sterile syringe to the catheter port to withdraw urine.

On May 08, 2024



The nurse is assessing the tympanic membranes of an infant. Which action by the nurse demonstrates proper technique?

A) Pulls the auricle upward and backward.
B) Holds handle of the otoscope between the thumb and little finger.
C) Uses an inverted otoscope grip while pulling the auricle downward and back.
D) Places the handle of the otoscope between the thumb and index finger while pulling the auricle upward.

On May 07, 2024



A patient experiencing acute mania waves a newspaper and says, "I must have my credit card and use the computer right now. A store is having a big sale and I need to order 10 dresses and four pairs of shoes." Select the nurse's most appropriate intervention.

A) Suggest to the patient to ask a friend do the shopping and bring purchases to the unit.
B) Invite the patient to sit with the nurse and look at new fashion magazines.
C) Tell the patient that computer use is not allowed until self-control improves.
D) Ask whether the patient has enough money to pay for the purchases.

On May 05, 2024



A nurse is caring for patients with dysphagia. Which patient has neurogenic dysphagia?

A) A patient with benign peptic stricture
B) A patient with muscular dystrophy
C) A patient with myasthenia gravis
D) A patient with stroke

On May 03, 2024



To reflect the changes in healthcare and nurses' expanded roles,the International Council of Nurses revised the definition of nursing.Which statements are consistent with the revised definition of nursing?

A) Nursing encompasses the autonomous and collaborative care of others.
B) Nursing includes the care of ill, disabled, and dying people.
C) Participation in shaping health policy is a nursing role.
D) Registered nurses use the nursing process to plan and individualize care.

On May 02, 2024