saundarja banerjee




A proportional tax rate structure is a tax where the tax rate remains at the same rate regardless of the tax base.

On Jul 29, 2024



Accounting information might be separately reported in any of the following components of the income statement or statement of retained earnings and their supporting schedules and footnotes:
a. income from continuing operations or supporting schedules
b. extraordinary gains or losses
c. footnote disclosure
d. statement of retrined earnings
e. results from discontinued operations

Several items of accounting information are listed below.
Accounting information might be separately reported in any of the following components of the income statement or statement of retained earnings and their supporting schedules and footnotes:  a. income from continuing operations or supporting schedules b. extraordinary gains or losses c. footnote disclosure d. statement of retrined earnings e. results from discontinued operations   Several items of accounting information are listed below.    Required: By placing the letters (a-e)in the space provided above, identify where the information would be most appropriately reported.If the information would not appear in any of the above components, place an (X)in the space.Items may be reported in more than one location. Required:
By placing the letters (a-e)in the space provided above, identify where the information would be most appropriately reported.If the information would not appear in any of the above components, place an (X)in the space.Items may be reported in more than one location.

On Jul 28, 2024



Which of the following is a risk created by the changing demographic trends that present organizations with a culturally diverse workforce?

A) Stereotypes may prevent managers from developing synergies to benefit the organization.
B) Women's compensation may not increase commensurately with their education.
C) The aging workforce may decrease intergenerational contact at work.
D) People who adhere strictly to cultural relativism may avoid difficult ethical dilemmas.

On Jun 29, 2024



A farmer sells futures contracts at a price of $2.75 per bushel. The spot price of corn is $2.55 at contract expiration. The farmer harvested 12,500 bushels of corn and sold futures contracts on 10,000 bushels of corn.
Ignoring the transaction costs, how much did the farmer improve his cash flow by hedging sales with the futures contracts?

A) $0
B) $2,000
C) $31,875
D) $33,875

On Jun 28, 2024



Every state but ____________ is legally obligated to balance its budget.

On May 30, 2024



Cyclone Inc.reported the following figures from its financial statements for the years 2018 through 2020:
Cyclone Inc.reported the following figures from its financial statements for the years 2018 through 2020:    Describe how the change in accounts receivable will affect the calculation of cash flow from operating activities for 2020 and 2019. Describe how the change in accounts receivable will affect the calculation of cash flow from operating activities for 2020 and 2019.

On May 29, 2024

In 2020,accounts receivable decreased $21,913 [$90,561 - $68,648].This results in an increase in cash flow from operating activities during 2020.In 2019,accounts receivable increased $34,107 [$90,561 - $56,454].This results in a decrease in cash flow from operating activities for 2019.